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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbrewer76543

    Hoppy Porter / Black Ipa Advice

    If using malt extract I'd sub some out for plain sugar too. All extract tend to finish higher and may be too sweet on the finish If you can do a minimash then even better. If you had a 10L pot you could do 2kg of Marris Otter, 300g Light Crystal, 300g Carafa mashed at 67*C for an hour. The rest...
  2. beerbrewer76543

    How Did The Brewer Of Olde Pull It Off?

    Some quick calcs: Strike water 36*C (blood temp) Mash settles at 31*C (assumed 5*C drop) Decoct 25%, boil and add back to mash, mash settles at 48*C Decoct 25%, boil and add back to mash, mash settles at 61*C Decoct 25%, boil and add back to mash, mash settles at 70*C Decoct 25%, boil and add...
  3. beerbrewer76543

    Which Bittering Hop For An English Pale Ale

    what is a good amount of Styrians to dry hop? I have an ESB fermenting on 1469 at the moment and a pack of styrians await... :beer:
  4. beerbrewer76543

    20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

    Thanks for the writeup Nick. I did my first AG yesterday using this method in my Donga in Karratha. I had some issues with initial temperature... It settled at 63 so I had to add boiling water to get it to 65. Better to be too low than too high I guess The brew was an attempt at a Yorkie...
  5. beerbrewer76543

    Iphone App For Beer Networking

    Iphone App for beer networking Who will troll first?
  6. beerbrewer76543

    Christchurch Earthquake

    Just read that article... *sobs onto keyboard* :(
  7. beerbrewer76543

    Craft/micro Beer 'explosion' In Oz

    Too busy bending bananas? :P
  8. beerbrewer76543

    Craft/micro Beer 'explosion' In Oz

    There is a pretty good beer culture here in WA and it is growing too. We have quite a few micros around the place and some pubs getting behind the beer culture such as the Sail and Anchor, the Norfolk, The Malt Bar down south and Clancys fish pubs Up here in Karratha the tap beer selection is a...
  9. beerbrewer76543


    If you have the capacity to mini mash I'd go for something like this (for 25L) 2kg LDME 500g Sugar 2kg Munich 60g Carafa Bittering addition at 60 mins to 40IBU (something like Magnum or Spalt) No flavour / aroma hops 1007 or k97 yeast at 16-18*C Mash at 67*C for 60 mins, add sugar and LDME to...
  10. beerbrewer76543

    Citra Hop

    f. a ******** I vote f.
  11. beerbrewer76543

    Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

    Strewth, that's almost as much as you'd pay for a beer in WA!
  12. beerbrewer76543

    What Size System To Build?

    Do 200L batches and sell off 3 quarters of it to mates in stolen kegs :ph34r:
  13. beerbrewer76543

    Vb Hop Schedule Please

    step 1: ask forum members about recipe step 2: await ensuing **** fight step 3: wade through page after page of garbage for the info you were after step 4: brew the beer and find out the style doesn't taste all that good step 5: ask forum members about new recipe step 6: repeat steps 2 to 5
  14. beerbrewer76543

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Hey Alex, care to comment on the hop schedule for the ESB? :icon_cheers:
  15. beerbrewer76543


    A couple of friends bought me a bottle of this 2 weeks ago Champagne bottle was fun to de-cork Pours very frothy, light yellow colour, white head. We sampled it from champagne glasses :) Very drinkable for a 10.5% alcohol beer. Big % of adjuncts I'd say to give the alcohol content with a...
  16. beerbrewer76543

    Coca-cola Recipe Revealed

    The majority of people are idiots and don't question the media
  17. beerbrewer76543

    Brewmate Software With Added Biab Support!

    A big high five to randyrob! :beerbang:
  18. beerbrewer76543

    Using Czech Saaz In A Wheat Beer

    Depending on style you may want to use certain hops for bittering to get some hints of flavour / aroma coming through in the final product, like Spalt for an Alt for example. Getting 50 IBU from a 4%AA hops takes a lot of hops though!