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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Columbus hops

    What sort of IBU figure do you come up with using that amount of hops?
  2. B

    Columbus hops

    I have got all of the above, will give this a shot, thanks.
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    New tap on 40L Crown Urn

    I recently pulled apart the tap on my Crown Urn thinking that it might need a clean. It didn't really, but since I put it back together again it has a very slow leak. I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to change it for a ball valve tap. Major problem is that I can't get the old...
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    Columbus hops

    Does anyone out there have a good recipe using Columbus? Short of clicking on every recipe in every data base, I am hopeful that somebody can help.
  5. B

    the point of secondary ?

    Sorry, can't help you with the technical stuff like reabsorbing off flavours. I don't rack to secondary, probably because I am paranoid about infection. I figure that every time you open your fermenter you are inviting the nasties in. I leave my temperature controlled brews for at least 7...
  6. B

    How accurate is your volume?

    If you have a concealed element in your 40L Crown Urn then here are the measurements you need. Use a 600mm steel rule. Diameter is 33.7cm The first 6 litres measure 78mm (to cover the element hump) Thereafter 1 litre = 11mm I use Brewmate as a calculator to work out how much water you need for...
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    State Of Origin

    Who gives a rats. Qld doesn't need posers like him.
  8. B

    Home Brewing Longevity

    I was lucky, my wife said to me, several years ago, "if we get a new fridge then you can use this one for your (K&K) brewing". That was the start of the slippery slope.
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    The fallen...

    Maybe we can all get on the banned wagon!
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    Rhyzomes available Sunshine Coast - Cascade, Goldings, Chinook

    Six hours a day is less than half of what they need. If you keep the water up I doubt that the sun would do them in. It is difficult to get a good crop this far north because we just don't have the daylight hours, but you can grow enough to try dropping them into a brew fresh. Don't plan on...
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    Looking For Hops Rhizome

    I would contact Rupert, see the post above yours. I bought from him about 5 years ago, good value and plenty of info on how to look after your rhizome.
  12. B

    What are you Watching ?

    +1. Not exactly a kids show but great.
  13. B

    Have 56g of pride of ringwood need an ale recipe

    Thanks Michael, will do this one with the different hops and try the Carapils etc next time.
  14. B

    Have 56g of pride of ringwood need an ale recipe

    A bit OT but I was about to brew your recipe for JS150L from another post. I see that you have changed 400g Munich 1 to Carapils and Melanoidin, and the hop schedule as well. I can't change the grain bill but can certainly change the hop schedule. Do you recommend that I do so?
  15. B

    London terrorist attack

    OK, you just sit back, be comfortable, and bitch to your heart's content. Someone else is doing the hard yards for you.
  16. B

    London terrorist attack

    And Nick, when did you ever serve your country? In any way? Ed: Bob
  17. B

    Efficiency according to Brewmate

    Thanks for trying to keep this on track. I read your later post but decided to quote this one. Like you, I use a 40L urn and measure as you do. My concern with using the actual kettle volume to measure efficiency is that if you , for instance, use 80% as your efficiency on the first page of...
  18. B

    Hop confusion

    Very succinctly put Ray!
  19. B

    Hop confusion

    I can't remember who posted this recipe, the old data base had the name of the poster. However I would assume that since I had a different recipe that the OP had changed his recipe at a later date. It is quite common for people to improve on/tweak their recipes. They still call it by it's...
  20. B

    Hop confusion

    Maybe something got lost in the recipe db conversion. I have made this beer using Galaxy with an IBU of 31.4. My hop schedule was 6g Galaxy (12.3% Alpha) @ 60 mins 6g Galaxy @ 30 mins 20g Galaxy @ 5 mins for a 23 litre batch size. OG 1.044 FG 1.010...