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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Infra-red thermometer

    I hope this is the right place for this topic. I am thinking of buying an infra-red thermometer with an accuracy of +/- 1%. Am looking for advice from anybody who uses one as to usability, type or value for money. OK I have found my answers by searching, which I should have done before...
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    To mash or not?

    I would prefer to add grains which just need a steep rather than a mash in the last 10 mins of the mash, but this is difficult if you don't buy bulk and mill your own grain, especially if you are using less than say 200g. Unless you know that you will use the same grain again several times then...
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    Sierra Nevada IPA Glasses - EOI

    Yes. I'm in Birkdale, a bit far away but not insurmountable. I've come into this a bit late, originally thought it was an EOI for a per glass order. Now seems to be orders for a box. Without having to plough through the whole 19 pages can you give me an idea how much half a box will be and...
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    Crown Urn Tap Removal

    Yep, Boil a few litres and then give it a go. Worked for me.
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    Glad wrap lids

    I put a layer of gladwrap over the top of the fermenter, secure it with a rubber ring (out of the lid) and then repeat the process. Nothing gets in, but occasionally if you use too much yeast, krausen does get out. Fairly easily fixed though.
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    Keg King - Growler Bulk Buy (Stainless Vaccum Walled)

    Yes please Angus, it will save me a few k's and negotiating the city. Birkdale Bob * 2.
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    Keg bulk buy

    Just Napisan and Starsan.
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    Keg bulk buy

    No drama, it isn't that far away.
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    Keg bulk buy

    Dave, Does this mean that those of us who will have our kegs posted to us can start looking for the parcel man?
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    Where To Buy Hop Rhizomes?

    I'm going to dig up my Cascade rhizome and get rid of it. I don't have good soil, so the crops have only been around 200g per year. It is about 6 or 7 years old and hasn't been watered for the last couple of years, but keeps sending up buds and bines. If you are interested, after I dig it up...
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    Keg bulk buy

    I guess everybody likes to get their hands on the shiny stuff asap but it's up to you. I can wait until mid Feb if necessary, Bob
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    Keg bulk buy

    Birkdale is just outside the Brisbane city limits on the eastern bayside. I am definitely a starter, thanks to all involved in the organisation, Bob
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    Keg bulk buy

    I would be in for 1 AEB if you can post to Qld.
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    XMAS beer porn

    My Mother in Law loves me too. A $5 scratchie, no result.
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    Windows 8 and Brewmate

    Can anyone tell me if Brewmate will run on Windows 8?
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    Vale Brew Bag

    Thanks Michael, the wife found some today at Mt Gravatt, Bob
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    Vale Brew Bag

    After 183 brews I have to consign my brew bag to the bin. It has served me well, has had a hole patched (undissolved napisan or PBW), the seam has split near the top, I have discovered that is not a good idea to tap the paint stirrer on the edge of the urn to dislodge grain as it eventually...
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    New tap on 40L Crown Urn

    Thanks for the suggestions. Went with Black Devil Dog, boiled some water, drained it and applied the ring spanner and off it came with the minimum of fuss. New ball valve ready for action.
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    Columbus hops

    Thanks for the feedback, now to put some of your suggestions into practice.