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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. newguy

    What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Found In A Bottle Of Bee

    Mold. Big enough to be mistaken for a woolly bear caterpillar. In a beer I was judging at a homebrew competition. 'Twas a stout, so I didn't see it....I unfortunately discovered it "too late". :icon_vomit:
  2. newguy

    Cats And Chickens

    I grew up on a farm, and we usually had a minimum of 500 chickens. We also had plenty of cats and usually 2-3 dogs. Never had an issue with the cats going after the chickens, but the dogs were a different story. Regarding roosters being mean.....Anyone ever raised geese? They're vicious...
  3. newguy

    Nice Wheels

    No. There was a full days' worth of both provincial and national press attention focused on the subject. Apparently none of their staff noticed beforehand. When the giggling reporters pointed it out at the press conference, as the story goes, most of the party officials didn't think it was...
  4. newguy

    Nice Wheels

    The leader of a political party here unveiled her campaign bus today. Apparently the placement of her own wheels just happened to coincide with the placement of the bus' wheels. Slightly different artwork was immediately ordered after the press pointed this out.
  5. newguy

    Are Smoke Detectors Required In Australia?

    Carbon monoxide detectors are well worth the peace of mind too. Every winter there is at least one tragic news story of an entire family succumbing to CO poisoning. Around here at least.
  6. newguy

    I Killed Me Another Subaru

    Never outright killed a car myself, but a few left me walking. In university the ag engineers had an annual fundraiser called the motorblast. They'd buy an old beater an sell guesses on how long it would last with no fluids and a brick on the gas pedal. Prize was a keg. Fords and GMs would...
  7. newguy

    Bjcp 2012

    I had 2 weeks notice when I wrote it and managed enough for national. It's possible but not very fun. Practice writing out the questions by hand and you'll do well. I graded the thing for quite a while and I wrote an exam guide. PM me your email address and I'll send it to you.
  8. newguy

    Soldering Iron

    That unit looks pretty good, but as others have suggested, inquire about replacement tips. From the look of it, it should have interchangeable tips available. Something I haven't seen mentioned here, though, is that not all tips are the same. There are tiny tips for fine work and massive tips...
  9. newguy

    Trapping Quail For The Table

    Never did it myself, but heard this technique from someone who did it often. The trap he made is constructed from chicken wire and is basically a big cube, maybe a meter on each edge. One side has an entrance cone pushed into the cube. The tip of the cone has a circular hole, about the size...
  10. newguy

    Anyone Here Ever Had To Dob In ******** At Work?

    Have a guy at work that is unfortunately in a supervisory position...not over me, thankfully, but that doesn't stop him from trying to throw his weight around. He's a complete psychopath. He beat the holy hell out of an undercover cop not too long ago. Unfortunately for society, he hired a...
  11. newguy

    Tech Help

    A-fricking-men! Overpriced cables and extended warranties are the biggest scams going. Had a friend who actually worked at an electronics store and the way he put it was that the extended warranty = his pocket money for the day. ...Nevermind the "bathtub curve" of failures vs time (if...
  12. newguy

    Aroma Sharing Between Headspace In Kegs

    Not a stupid question at all - a classical case of diffusion and it can travel "upstream". However, the chance of one keg contaminating another is quite small unless they're both hooked up for a long time - I'd guess many months.
  13. newguy

    Who's A Lucky Sob That's Going Away This Xmas?

    Not really exotic but a major change in my wife's attitude has resulted in just "us": me, wife, two kids - going away by ourselves over the xmas break. This is the first year we're not driving halfway across the country or altering our plans to be with either my or her family. We're just going...
  14. newguy

    How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

    41. Brewing for 15.5 years.
  15. newguy

    Ss Tig Welding

    Pickling paste will get rid of the discolouration. From the reading I did, the discoloured portions can rust. Pickling paste will restore the chromium oxide layer and render the SS impervious to rust. Pickling paste can be purchased at any welding supply store, and it's pretty cheap. Just...
  16. newguy

    Things I Have Leart From Home Brewing

    1. Don't try to make your brewing system "perfect" - perfect is a moving target and is always just beyond reach. 2. Other brewers have almost always overcome whatever problem you're currently trying to solve. If facing difficulty, ask, don't re-invent the wheel.
  17. newguy

    Missus Spat It !

    A few years back I was in the garage working on making a neat hole in a metal enclosure with a needle file (switch cutout hole). Got a bit too exuberant with my backstroke, needle file came out of the hole, and I promptly plunged it right into my wrist on the forward stroke. Didn't hurt. I...
  18. newguy

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    Forgot about . Another classic Kids in the Hall skit.
  19. newguy

    I've Lost My Mind

    Update: I finally have my indoor brewing space done (almost). I got the hood together today. Applied 2 coats of paint and I think it will need minor touch ups in a few spots. The fan intake needs to be caulked to the hood, but I can't do that until the paint is completely dry. I also need...
  20. newguy

    Stuff Your Kids Say

    My mind...I initially understood that to be "what can we prepare to make her sick?" It's what I usually think when the inlaws are due to come over. <_<