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  1. going down a hill

    siphoning between demijohns

    Syphoning it off the trub is the best way to go, the last thing you want to do is any unnecessary splashing that will oxidise your beer. A hop bag with the spices in it would of been a way to go.
  2. going down a hill

    siphoning between demijohns

    Make sure the liquid in the demijohn you are racking from is higher than any liquid in the receiving demijohn, If you don't it will get all Gandalf on your ass and say **** like "you will not pass!"
  3. going down a hill

    WLP001 Cal. Ale slow start?

    It sounds like you might have made the starter too large for the yeasts in the first place. You want to make a lot of heathy yeast not just a lot of yeast. Thats the reason why doing starters in steps is a good option.
  4. going down a hill


    Yes lower mash temp ends with a lower fg. I wouldn't say that the mash temp had an effect on your efficiency, if you constantly get higher than expected og's then change your efficiency. If you are concerned about hop malt balance you can always take a pre boil gravity reading and use a boil...
  5. going down a hill


    Looking at my post, I'm really impressed with my maths.
  6. going down a hill


    I just made an english pale and used 50g but I had a 60, 30 & 10 min additions. Off the top of my head it was 30g, 15g & 15g in that order. It turned out to be a 27l brew.
  7. going down a hill

    Name your Brew?

    Irish Red Ale = IRA Its funny how that acronym hasn't caught on
  8. going down a hill

    July Meeting Pale Ale Comp

    I brewed an english pale today, hopefully It will be ready in time for the event. If not I'll just have to drink everyone else's beer!
  9. going down a hill

    I just bought a Keg Master Series 3

    So far I love it. It's nice and compact for a 3 keg system. I have two regs set up on it so I can have English and US styles at different carb levels. I got Perlick 525ss taps and I'm dead happy with them. It has wheels so I'm tempted to wheel it around the house and take portraits with it to...
  10. going down a hill

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    I haven't brewed in a few months. It's nice to be brewing again. I haven't used Target before so it's a single hop beer to see what its got under the hood. New Recipe Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 26.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.900...
  11. going down a hill

    I just bought a Keg Master Series 3

    I've already got rid of the ones I didn't want. The rest will be kept for the extra 6-9l of beer left over on each brew so I can give to mates or barter with. Nice try.
  12. going down a hill

    I just bought a Keg Master Series 3

    It took me way too long to put it together, maybe because I started to late in the evening and I forgot to put the finishing collar on after i put the taps in so I had to strop it and redo. But I am now enjoying an Alt, Porter and a Scotch ale! Cheers
  13. going down a hill

    July Meeting Pale Ale Comp

    Completely off topic but this is such a good cover by ODB and Macy Gray that I had to post a link.
  14. going down a hill

    Merri Mashers: June Meeting

    I cant make it, got family business. Put me down for the taint kit sessions please. Have a good one fellas!
  15. going down a hill

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    That's why fermenting in demijohns cant be beat.
  16. going down a hill

    Mountain Goat Brewery Tour

    Their beers are so good. The Growler is such a pretty little beer.
  17. going down a hill

    The great Pale Palooza (next MM unofficial brew comp)

    English, Uk & Australian? Looking at your pictorial essay that John Berger would be proud of, are you saying all it takes to make a good pale ale is mix a stout and vodka together?