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  1. going down a hill

    overflowing yeast activity

    Seeing that you direct pitched there is a chance 50% of the yeast didn't make it, therefore you have pitched the correct amount. :)
  2. going down a hill

    WTF - WLP002 looks wrong?

    I'm pretty sure wl002 is wyeast 1968 and that stuff flocs cottage cheese.It does the same in your beer and that's the reason why your beer is so clear and doesn't attenuate as much as other less flocy yeasts.
  3. going down a hill

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    I cubed this saison yesterday, I've had a smackpack of French Saison in the fridge from the start of the year. No time like the present, or at least until the fermenting fridge is free. 44 - Saison Saison Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 26.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.300 Total Hops...
  4. going down a hill

    American Brown Ale 2.0 - Post VicBrew - Feedback appreciated

    Full pint (no affiliation) stock Briess 2row.
  5. going down a hill

    American Brown Ale 2.0 - Post VicBrew - Feedback appreciated

    Wouldn't upping the crystal add to the cloying issue? If the malt was one dimensional why don't you use Marris Otter instead of JW.
  6. going down a hill

    Sodium Percarbonate

    This thread turned weird.
  7. going down a hill

    German ale yeast 1007

    It's a demijohn, they are traditionally made for fermenting wine. They are beautiful to look at while fermentation is in full flight, so much activity that you don't see with buckets. Only down side is they break if you don"t look after them with kit gloves.
  8. going down a hill

    Sodium Percarbonate

    Just wear what is in your avatar and you'll be fine.
  9. going down a hill

    German ale yeast 1007

    This is what I came across this morning when I opened the fermenting fridge, it will most likely get bigger than this. If you do ferment cool, make sure you have 300billion cells or more. Its one of those hybrid temps, don't treat it like a normal ale yeast.
  10. going down a hill

    German ale yeast 1007

    Its a great yeast, I have a second gen of it doing its thing atm in an alt. the last time i used it, I pitched at 14 and slowly brought it up to around 16. Make sure you leave some head space for the krausen, it can go nuts.
  11. going down a hill

    Aldi specials

    The perfect amount of enthusiasm! I bought the four pack of Oktoberfest beers last year and they were great. All different but they were good comparisons of the style. And what a style!
  12. going down a hill

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    I wouldn't think so.The numbers aren't crazy enough that the flavours need 6 months to meld and mellow.
  13. going down a hill

    EOI - Urn group buy, vic (to start off with)

    You could squeeze out a 21l batch on a 30l unit. I make 27l batches on a 40l without an issue.
  14. going down a hill

    Pitching Wyeast Problem

    So how big was the beer in regards to size and gravity and how old was the yeast? If you get onto it will tell you if you under pitched the yeast or not
  15. going down a hill

    Going to Munich

    Things just got awesome for you!
  16. going down a hill

    Dark IPA using Tooheys Dark Ale kit

    If your going to steep at 70c for 30 mins why not do a mini mash with some pale malt at 64c for 60 mins? 1 kg of crystal malt is a lot! Btw is the overall IBU's including the prehopped can? If you haven't it might come out unbalanced.
  17. going down a hill

    english ipa help

    I'm drinking an ESB that has Target early, middle and late. I'm loving it so much that I could bath in it! Just saying
  18. going down a hill

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    I made my second Alt beer today, I tweaked my first recipe by having a higher % of pilsner than Munich and Vienna that were in the last beer. I really liked the last brew but wanted more of the crisp cracker flavour you get from pilsner and I put in 8-9 more IBU's in there. In the fulness of...
  19. going down a hill

    What is the world coming to?

    wasn't it his grandmother?