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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    How I Fixed A Fridge

    Someone had a fridge/freezer not working well. The freezer worked great, the fridge had issues. After listening to what they had to say I figured it must be froze up. I said that either the flapper that lets cold air in the fridge was blocked by ice or the defrost hose was. Told them to...
  2. K

    World Wide Keg Shortage?

    Sure they do. I saw new soda kegs for sale last time I looked at prices. Not that many would want to pay the price. Some must or they would not be listed on the same sites as used kegs. one site here.
  3. K

    Throw Out Your Cubes

    So what do you do with the hot wort while you wait for it to get to pitching temp?
  4. K

    Carboy's Or Fermenting Buckets? Why Use One Over The Other? Carboy

    Have never paid more then that in UD$ for any of mine. I have a small one that worked great for a Barley Wine that I talked someone in to making. I have lots in the 5 gallon (20 liter?) size and one large one that is 6.5 gallons. I had so many of the 5 gallon ones that I gave one away as a...
  5. K

    Whats The Best Method

    You cooking or brewing with it? If brewing just boil some water for a while and you should see it turn color. Do not clean it with any scouring pad or the oxidization will come off and you are back to shinny new. The more you brew the darker it will get. As long as you do not burn anything...
  6. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    I have done BIAB with 100% wheat malt and no stuck mash. I have done Wits with 50/50 malt and raw wheat with no problems. It may take a bit longer to drain the bag but not any issue. If you have concerns do a 90 minute mash and don't forget the mash out. May want to read about rye and odd...
  7. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    Why worry? "A mash to gelatinize the grains usually isn't required for unmalted barley, wheat, or rye since the gelatization temperatures for these grains is within the same temperature range as the saccharification range of malted barley."
  8. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    New brewers and experiments tend to fail. Look at this page for info on rye. A bit more googling and you should get some more ideas.
  9. K

    2 Pot Stovetop Ag With Lauter

    You have to be disabled or a little girl to worry about draining the bag. My one big gripe about some misinformation about BIAB. Sure it is easier to let the bag hang from something to get every drop. Not needed to make beer. Any normal human can pull the bag a little at a time and hold it...
  10. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    For the record in the USA, 2-row malt is basic pale malt. It is what we also refer to as base malt. Just a generic malt. It is what is used in any recipe unless something else is specified.
  11. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    A bit wrong there. A good Wit can be had with 50/50 malt and raw wheat. As to Rye, it makes for a slick or greasy brew. Some like it some don't. If you can get dry malt extract you could boost the gravity with that. If you are up to an experiment you could use some oats, some rye, and the...
  12. K

    2 Pot Stovetop Ag With Lauter

    Like he said, he can not modify the cooler or esky as you seem to call them. Also if you want to cut out the esky you could stove top mash, oven mash, or as was also pointed out mash in the lauter tun by wrapping it up with something to insulate it. I like BIAB. I have the stuff to do it. If...
  13. K

    2 Pot Stovetop Ag With Lauter

    Looks just what Charlie Papzian does in The Complete Joy of Homebrewing. Only real difference is the use of 2 soup pots instead of one giant one. Not sure he used the cooler for mashing. If you did not have one you could do a stovetop mash. And no need for a screen in the bottom of the...
  14. K

    Is My Brew Bad ?

    Not Palmer's words. I always thought it was Charlie Papazian, however when I looked he attributes it to anonymous. Other then that I agree with you, they should leave the brew alone. In my opinion it should be left to ferment for 2 or 3 weeks.
  15. K

    Merry Christmas Everyone

    Well being from the frozen north where we have all the traditional music with snow and such things for Christmas. Here is a wish you do not see Chet roasting his nuts on an open fire.
  16. K

    Hot Alcohol/metho Taste In Two Batches

    How can honey be full of bugs and be antiseptic at the same time?
  17. K

    Biab#3 - Help Pls, Too Efficient?

    I would not worry about fixing mistakes as a new brewer or even one with experience. Just finish it, see what it turns out like and take notes. Way too many brews and too little time to worry over one.
  18. K

    Help Bitter Brew

    Recipe please? How much magnum? How long of boil? How much cluster & topaz? Hard to give advice with out knowing what you are doing. Yes you can dry hop before bottleing. About a week with some nice hops will add to it. hard to say if you will end up with an IPA or ESB with out knowing...
  19. K

    Pitching Temp

    No, fermentation creats heat. If one was more active then the other it could be warmer then the other brew. If the fridge is 18 you should be OK. As to pitching warmer? It takes a while to get the last few degrees out of that much wort. The yeast may kick in and start to warm things up...
  20. K

    Biab#2 How Much Can A/g Beer Change With Time?

    Yeast does more then make bubbly alcohol. It needs time to finish all of its work.