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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Recommendations For The States Trip

    Are you one of the types that has to have everything planned? If so you will not like my suggestion. Wait till you get there and ask around. Some mighty fine breweries are so small no one but the locals know about them. I also like the idea of taking in the sights. You can set in the lodge...
  2. K

    Banana Beer... Any Thoughts

    If it were me, I would make beer and use the bananas for bread and cut a bunch up to dry as chips. Banana pancakes are also good as well as muffins. Making chips is a good way to justify a food dryer as well as a vacuum sealer for hops. You do not need to grow hops to need a sealer. Just buy...
  3. K

    Old Cracked Grain

    Once the grain is cracked it starts to oxidize or go rancid. Malted grain goes off quick. Unmalted grain takes several times longer.
  4. K

    Getting 50+ Ibu Into A Batch From A Partial Boil

    I may be sticking my foot in my mouth on this. The IBU limit of 100 is what you can taste. Or once it is bitter it is bitter and you can not tell any more. So I would go for the 70 IBU you want in the recipe by adding the same amount of hops to the partial boil as you would for a full boil...
  5. K

    Going To The West Coast Usa

    Only 3? Hard question to answer. In my town we now have 2 breweries, in the next town, home of Deschutes Brewery there have got to be 10 or 12 breweries. If I was to recommend a stop it may not even be one of the breweries. There are a few pubs that have beers from many of the local...
  6. K

    Keg O-rings-where To Get And What Size

    You going to do that this may make it easier for them. Buna-n O-ring, As568a Dash Number 109 Buna-n O-ring, As568a Dash Number 111 Buna-n O-ring, As568a Dash Number 417 (this is the lid ring)
  7. K

    Keg O-rings-where To Get And What Size

    Yes you can use hardware store o-rings. Can not help with the metric conversion. You need 2 each of 7/16" I.D. 3/32" wall and 5/16" I.D. 3/32" wall. I have never found lid o-rings other then commercial suppliers or the brew shop.
  8. K

    Stick On Thermometer Accuracy

    Been covered before and they are reasonably accurate. You may have a bad one. Always best to check thermometers for accuracy once in a while.
  9. K

    Delaying Bottling - How Long Is Safe

    I have left beer for a month or longer and it was great. The people that say you need to worry are missing something. If you are letting it set in the sun, then that is a different matter. What would you do with it after you bottled? If you are doing the same thing then no worries.
  10. K

    How Long Can You Keep A Half Empty Keg?

    May not be your lines. Could be the way you hancle your beer or even how you clean your kegs. Ever have beer go up your gas line?
  11. K

    Advice On Beginner Ag Setup

    Got to ask. What are you using to brew in now? You do not need a 40 liter pot to heat sparge water.
  12. K

    Diy Counter Flow Chiller

    How big/long is it? A plate chiller is small. The Chilzilla is a very small coil. Yes home builts work, just need to be larger to work. Possible they require larger water flow also.
  13. K

    Green St Patricks Beer

    Lots of late hops and dry hops will make it green.
  14. K

    Diy Counter Flow Chiller

    Well he was not clear. Some of you use pre-chillers to cool tank water and an immersion chiller. All the self made counter flow chillers used on wort here in the USA use copper for the inside that has wort flowing through it, and cheep clear plastic tubing (same as used for transfer tubing)...
  15. K

    Trying To Determine Off Flavours.

    Well I have taken 2 classes on off flavors or tastes. I can tell you that not very many of the tasters got all the flavors. I think some were cheating. The ones that were honest were not able to get some of the flavors and were able to get others. I am good at buttered pop corn. I can say I...
  16. K

    Diy Counter Flow Chiller

    Your using this for wort?
  17. K

    Not Reaching Correct Gravity

    You must be getting some odd yeast. Every time I have used US-05 it has kicked off and worked like a beast. Are some shops still selling repacks or is it all Fermentis packets?
  18. K


    When brewing ales your best improvement would be to let them ferment for 10 to 14 days or longer, then dry hop. I have let beers set for a month and they turn out great. If you want to look at water read some books on brewing that include sections on water. The reading will also improve your...
  19. K

    Ag 2row To ? Oatmeal

    Wits have 50% raw wheat in them. Not sure how much oat you put in. Oats are what get spongy Never brewed with rye, raw or malted. Not sure why you put the beano in. From what I recall it will not convert the starches, only convert any unfermentable sugar and make a very dry beer (low gravity).
  20. K

    Spent Grain Water Absorption

    The squeeze question has been dealt with. No problems with the finished beer. I can, however agree that not squeezing will keep more gunk in the bag. The error in his post is you can not go by weight of the spent grains. The simple reason is we are extracting stuff from the grains. So X...