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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Mash Thickness - Biab

    In my experience you will be short if you want 5 gallons of finished beer. If you want only 5 gallons in the fermentor then you will be about there. You are loosing more in the bag then you think. Plus when you use things like oats or raw wheat that hold water you will see a difference. Also...
  2. K

    Mash Thickness - Biab

    It is not your water to grain that is causing problems. It is something else. I have done 11 pounds with 6 of that flaked wheat and oats in just over 8 gallons. Came to within 2 points of calculated.
  3. K

    Attempting My First Decoction... Critique?

    Remember, Decoctions are thick and heavy on the grain. Not thin like the mash. So I am gussing here, if you pull a third of the mash you will be pulling half or more of the grain.
  4. K

    Pre Boil Mash Water

    Chlorine reacts with organics to produce nasty things. If you have a lot of chlorine it may be worth filtering or boiling. Boiling also changes hard water if you have terrible hard water from bicarbonate. I don't boil, however I do not have bad water that stinks or is hard.
  5. K

    Barleywine - Biab?

    Agree. Not sure it conditions faster, just better in bulk. You may find a barley wine held at temp possibly will not be done in 3 weeks. It is a very big beer and I would not even look at it for 3 weeks. I have left IPAs and other beers on the yeast for 3 weeks or longer when I got busy...
  6. K

    Boiling Grain For Flavour

    Mostly not true. There are lots of bugs in repacked malt and when you add water to make up wort you give them a big chance to get a real start on your wort. By boiling the wort you kill the bugs and the only large amount of bugs that can get into the wort are from poor handling. Sure some get...
  7. K

    Boiling Grain For Flavour

    Lots of old inaccurate info on the net. Some even in books. There are sound rules for brewing. If you follow them you will be ok. You can boil grain, however it is a very thick liquid that is boiled and only for certain styles of beer. Science in the thick liquid that keeps the bad stuff...
  8. K

    Stainless Welds And Care

    Who welded it? If they are any good follow their advice, or they should have already done it.
  9. K

    Barleywine - Biab?

    I am sure it will work. May have to fiddle with it a bit. I have never done it as I do not have the patience to wait for the wine to age. Two things. See if you can figure a way to plan for a second running from the grain. Should be able to get a second beer. May have to use a second pot...
  10. K

    Obama Is A Homebrewer

    I do not consider anyone a home brewer that pays someone else to brew for them, anymore then I would say they are a cook when they have a paid cook in the kitchen. If he is packing home brew in his bus, he is breaking many state laws by doing so. Not all states allow home brewing and some...
  11. K


    Glass stick with the Stainless Sheath so I do not break it. Ask around and see if you can find one in OZ. Make sure you know how far to put it in. Should have a line on it to let you know how deep to dip it. Test it at boiling and in ice bath. If it is off it will stay the same and you can...
  12. K

    Help With Ez Water Calculator

    From what you have posted you are out of whack. I always get my Magnesium up to 15 first. Then balance chloride and sulphate to match my beer. have water like yours and have not had any problems balancing my beers. I do use more then just one salt addition. Even the one Thirsty does not...
  13. K

    Black Ipa's

    The classic definition of a BIPA is a parlor trick. The black messes with your brain and you get the taste you want. A Cascadian Dark Ale (fixed the spelling) is a hoppy porter if you wish to define it as such. The 2 get confused. No dark roasty malt in a BIPA. Dark roasty malt is what you...
  14. K

    Water :)

    I think this is a dead thread as most of the posts have been from *****. If the ***** would have read what the OP said they would find his water is, like their brains, CRAP. Enough ranting, some posts were helpful. If I had to brew with distilled water, I would do a lot of reading. I have...
  15. K

    Black Ipa's

    Black IPS's are just that, a black IPA. The color is there only for looks. My wife liked the taste of late addition better then cold steeped. I think when you cold steep the grain starts to sour. I could not realy tell any difference, however she did. So I do a late addition at mash out or...
  16. K

    How Much Extract From Grain?

    Crystal grain does not need to be mashed. Several sources out there to tell you how much sugar you will get out of different grains. Sorry I can not give you a link. It is all in the spreadsheet I use to make up recipes. If you want the exact numbers go to the maltsters website and look it...
  17. K

    Bulk Priming Gone Bad - Yeast Has Restarted

    I vote for escaping CO2. US-05 is my favorite yeast. It works the same every time I use it. Behaves the same for a wild IPA or a nice American Wheat. Do not recall ever having trouble with it not clearing up. Yes I do get more scunge in the bottom of the keg then other yeast. I could fix...
  18. K

    The Road To All Grain

    Lasers have possible problems with the steam. Not from experience, from way back in my mind from reading about others experience. Could be wrong, however I doubt you boiled at 85c. I would check the programming and calibrate your thermometer/PID. Who cares what it says at boil, all you want...
  19. K

    Where Does A Red Ipa "fit" In Bjcp Guidelines?

    Is this not where a beer out of style will fit? If it is not in the style guidlines because of color, it is not to style. I know Judges have answered this, however I doubt very much if a beer not to color will only get 1 point deducted. The only way a red IPA would win in the APA or IPA...
  20. K

    Calculated Og And Actual Og Variance

    If the extract is packed in the factory, then it may be clean. If it has been repacked in the store then I would not trust it at all. The exception is canned syrup. It is clean because of how it is processed when canning. Dont believe me, do my sugar test. Take one glass of water and add a...