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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dreamboat

    Reissdorf Kolsch

    Can't recall the $$... I bought the kolsch, a small chimay blue (2005), a bottle of bass and two wiehestephaners (sp) for $30. Only 5 kolsch's left on the shelf as of today... was around $22 for the six pack, but that had been split. dreamboat
  2. dreamboat

    1/2" (full Bore) 316 Ss 2 Piece Ball Valve - $25

    I think that is a bit much, however, I get my valves through work, so pay less for things like that. Just quoting a job now with 30 1" 3-piece valves in it... good valves for $30ea, great valves for $40 each. 2 piece should always be cheaper again. dreamboat
  3. dreamboat

    Reissdorf Kolsch

    Hi all, Today I stopped in at a bottleshop and picked up a bottle of Reissdorf Kolsch. It has been my understanding that getting a Kolsch outside of Germany was fairly difficult, so I jumped at this chance. Can anybody tell me whether this beer is a good representation of the Kolsch style, or...
  4. dreamboat

    Lite Beer Inventor Dies

    Living to 86 is hardly punishment.... dreamboat
  5. dreamboat

    Cutting And Sticking Polystyrene

    Is "ducks nuts" not a common term here???? That would explain some of those odd looks which I get :) dreamboat
  6. dreamboat

    Cutting And Sticking Polystyrene

    I find a hand saw to be quite a neat way to cut polystyrene, will make a lot of mess, but you end up with a neat enough edge. If you go the hot wire path, you may have to build a big jig to get enough reach across the sheet. dreamboat
  7. dreamboat

    Belgian Beer Kits

    True enough Sam.... but, otoh, could be a complete waste of $40 if the resultant product is not up to standard. dreamboat
  8. dreamboat

    If U Had 2 Pik A Constant Ferment Temp, Which One?

    $1000 seems pretty exe. I would think you could get something much cheaper for the same job.... And I agree with all the other posters - get thefridge temp set low, and then use an external controller to set it at whatever temp you like. dreamboat
  9. dreamboat


    That is a strange one allright.... the tube does look a a bit on the thin side though..... most tube, say 6x4mm (od x id) will be rated to 1000KPa+ so, check your regulator, and if that is not going over pressure, then there must have been a weak spot in your tube. dreamboat
  10. dreamboat

    Scamming The Scammers

    This has been updated in the last few days since it was first listed here... I have a feeling that things will get very interesting over the next week or so. Stay Tuned. dreamboat
  11. dreamboat

    Interesting Link

    Hmmm..... hop pellets do not (as far as I know) contain any "chemically modified alpha acids" with the process of making pellets being one of purely mechanical means. dreamboat
  12. dreamboat

    Only 1 Drink Per Person At This Years Xmas Party

    I wonder if you can get "stubbie" coolers for those bad boys..... Could get a bit warm by the end otherwise. dreamboat
  13. dreamboat

    Fridge Butchering

    Quick look at your fridge there Jason..... bulk buy temp controller AHB magnets ventmatics? fire extinguisher how aussiehomebrewer are you? dreamboat
  14. dreamboat

    First Ag At The Weekend

    March pump on your first all grain..... you are a real brewer.... more real than me, that is for sure. dreamboat
  15. dreamboat

    Powells Malt - My Experiences

    You are right there mikem.... those pelicans are a pita if they get caught up in your mill, and are a possible cause of the poor efficiency that some have reported with this malt. They really do not convert well at all, even with a multi temp or decoction schedule! ;) dreamboat
  16. dreamboat

    Nrb's Avatar Lasts 2 Days On Brewboard

    Is that a cigar she is holding???? Those things will kill you don't you know. In the words of Father Ted "Down with this sort of thing" dreamboat
  17. dreamboat

    Temperature Controllers

    Hi all, Temp controllers are now all sent, and some of you may see them in todays post :) dreamboat
  18. dreamboat

    Brisbane Brew Shops

    At prices like this, I think organising a bulk buy in competition will do more harm to the brewing community in terms of future availability of local grain. Something to consider.... dreamboat
  19. dreamboat

    72 Bands

    No Pavement robW??? dreamboat
  20. dreamboat

    72 Bands

    33 - scissor sisters 34 - U2