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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Worst equipment purchases

    Maybe the filter. I used it for a period but is a pain in the arse to setup, santize, uses 2 kegs and needs a good cleaning after use. Going to dust it off for the bo pils I'm brewing next and i'll do a filtered beer keg vs a gelatined keg and pending the outcome, there might be a 2nd hand MK2...
  2. N

    What are you brewing 2015?

    Just read that 1318 has issues getting down to FG, might chuck a rest in at 65 for 15 mins as well.
  3. N

    What are you brewing 2015?

    ESB 45L 95% MO 5% Simpson Dark Crystal 100g EKG FWH 50g EKG flamout and steep for 30 min 60g EKG dryhop 55 for 10 62 for 45 72 for 30 Mashout 1318 pitch at 18, might ramp to 20 after 24 hours, not sure yet. Any suggestions? Should be ridiculously tasty
  4. N

    Favorite slab for under a pinapple

    Oettenger pils. Haven't bought a case of beer in literally years, but if I had to based on previous experience. Oettenger, not the best but way better then any popular Australian beer for <$50.
  5. N

    What's the best famous homebrew/clone/recipe you've ever brewe

    As the topic states, for you, what's been the best famous homebrew/recipe/clone you've ever brewed? For me it's probably been more miss than hit, especially with the clone recipes and also a lot of the 'he shall never be spoken against' jamil bcs recipes. I've done several from this forum as...
  6. N

    Sukumaran and Chan

    If you don't think your teenagers can get any drug they want, then you're severely ignorant. If you think that prohibition is an effective deterrent to the availability of drugs, you're severely ignorant. If you teenager has $50 and either a friend or an internet connection; if they want...
  7. N

    Oatmeal Stout recipe request Just kegged this. Early tastings are very promising. Cept I subbed the yeast for 1084 and 5% of the oats for golden naked oats and used EKG for the hops
  8. N

    Sukumaran and Chan

    Yawn. I'm for the 100% decriminalization of drugs worldwide, but this isn't an issue about drugs. This is a group of people that gambled. Sure as **** if they never got caught they would show zero remorse, they would be spending their cash right now with no remorse. They knew the...
  9. N

    What are you brewing 2015?

    Pumpkin Spice Ale from BCS. First time in years I'm not using my HERMS, doing a step mash, only boiling for 60mins and I'm only using one vessel! It will probably be a good beer but part of me is hoping I can taste the difference. Still starting from RO water and doing salt additions which I...
  10. N

    So glad Stone is now directly imported...

    Every bottlo in California.
  11. N

    So glad Stone is now directly imported...

    Let us know what you think of the Arrogant Bastard. I had it in the states and at the brewery there and thought it tasted like the clone brew I did which I didn't particular love. The other Stone beers were pretty good, the Pale Ale was mundane though. Also if you can get Rogue Hazelnut Brown...
  12. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    A while back, I could be wrong though. Wouldn't be the first time.
  13. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    I reckon it's all in your head that you haven't detected changes. The alcohol has gone from 5.7% to 5.2% no? That's tastable and that's got nothing to do with the hops. Anyways when it comes to taste everyone is different.
  14. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    Seems like a pretty generic response. Fair enough to as they're too big enough to care about the odd person that detects changes in quality. They have established their brand and in todays world branding is far more important then the end product. I won't be buying anymore but for them, that's...
  15. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    It was from the Geelong brewery, the date was best before Oct from memory and was purchased in the Gold Coast. Valid points about tastes and tolerance changing, but the SNPA I drank doesn't taste that different, nor has it ever and to me that is true quality right there. These days it tastes...
  16. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    The bottle was from Geelong. The alcohol was 5.2%, I remember it being 5.7%. It's not even me being a snob, two other people that where tasting with me agreed. In fact when breweries release beer like this they shoot themselves in the foot, if I were to recommend LCPA now, a discerning...
  17. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    It even looks bad. Mine are the two on the left and the SNPA is on the right. If they want consumers to pay a premium for the beer, the same price as a Sierra Nevada or Ballast Point beer, it should be up to that standard.
  18. N

    Little Creatures Pale Ale Post Buy Out

    Sampled this last night objectively against a SNPA and 2 of my APA's. To say this beer has gone downhill is an understatement. Had zero aroma, clarity was non existent, the flavour was of rusted nails and slightly of offensive bitterness (Maybe PoR). It was absolutely ********* and not worth...
  19. N

    What are you brewing 2015?

    <24 hours into a tweaked oatmeal stout off with 1084
  20. N

    why can you aerate a 5ltr starter but not a fermenting beer?

    Because you're growing yeast as opposed to producing a drinkable beer. And yeast grow best with abundant o2.