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  1. n00ch

    Best Bottle Shop In Newcastle ?

    Thanks for that Warren. That is exactly what i thought it should be like. I bought one of the ceramic bottles with the thought of it not possibly being light effected. I opened it with great expectation and poured with absolutely no head at all.... No carbonation what so ever. Kind of annoyed...
  2. n00ch

    Best Bottle Shop In Newcastle ?

    Yeah i did check that Warren, the best before date was 2008 sometime. Any chance of describing the head/carbonation level of teh Grand Cru? I have never had teh St Sebastiaan GC before so when i said it was in bad nick its only really in regards to what i would have thought it to be like. Thanks
  3. n00ch

    Best Bottle Shop In Newcastle ?

    Doc can you report back on the St Sebastiaan Grand Cru? I bought one there not long ago and it was in really bad nick. cheers
  4. n00ch

    Coopers Pale Ale Recipe's?

    I feel when attempting to clone this beer it is really worth culturing the yeast from some cpa's. This will bring you closer to the cpa taste. {edit - spelling}
  5. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Yeah thats exactly what they need to do. Apparently no one around Newcastle does it.
  6. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Well i can source the glasses no problem but i can't track a place locally that does the printing. I have found 2 places that will do single colour prints (black or gold) on glasses but thats it...
  7. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    I read over the thread again and it seems he did. I have sent him a pm. Cheers
  8. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Thats a good idea actually. Might drop in to a pub/club and find out where they get it done.
  9. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Or just a general idea on what places do it. I have had a look at a few printers website but really doesn't say anything about glass.
  10. n00ch

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    If i can find a place to print on the glasses locally i would be more then happy to organise them. I have a local source of nonics to.
  11. n00ch

    Bulk Buy-caps & Stubby Holders

    I will take 1 of each.
  12. n00ch

    Weird Keg Help...

    Top thread. I have one of these kegs also and i could never get the top off it.... Will use the info provided. Much appreciated.
  13. n00ch

    330g Aluminium Sodastream Cylinders.

    I'll be down in the ACT very soon i'd be more then happy to take them off your hands for whatever you want for them. Give me a PM i'm sure we can sort something out.
  14. n00ch

    Vienna Lager Recipe Required

    Ok well i have found a print out of the brew sheet for the Vienna Lager I did. Here it is: 3.9kg Vienna 1.5kg Munich 0.25 Caramunich (but you could drop that if you don't have any and maybe up the munich a tad) 50gm Hallertau @ 60 min 25gm Hallertau @ 30 min I used the Bavarian Lager but...
  15. n00ch

    Vienna Lager Recipe Required

    I have 1 that i brewed a few months back but not on this computer, if you get no other recipes i can post it tomorrow. It is a good beer that i am drinking as i type. I think the german lager yeast would do the trick nicely.
  16. n00ch

    Not So Busy?

    Good link. Working in state education through the school holidays does get mighty boring......
  17. n00ch

    Biere De Garde

    Thanks for that. I think i'll take your advise and change it around to fit your suggestions. I also think i may CC it for about 4 - 6 weeks and also bottle this one ( only the second time i have done so) so not to use up my limited amount of kegs and leave it for a few months to condition...
  18. n00ch

    Biere De Garde

    Ah ok well i might revise it then, thanks for the honest input. Just a few questions though. Just running through farmhouse ales and it states that most small breweries use Kiln black (hence the black malt), around 15% Munich, up to 8% sugar and also a bittering hop and a late hop addition at...
  19. n00ch

    Biere De Garde

    Hi all. I'm attempting to formulate my first recipe for a Biere de Garde (ok so i have been reading farmhouse ales) and need some input on what i have come up with. I have never brewed one before so please forgive me if i am no where near this style.... I was thinking of doing something along...
  20. n00ch

    What Are Your Brewing Plans For 2006

    I have a few simple plans this year. - Get a grain mill - Sort out a new HLT - Get into brewing a Biere de Garde and Saison {edit: spulling}