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  1. glenwal

    Stc 1000 12v Did I Get The Wrong One?

    How exactly is it safer? If you just use the STC directly, the 12V and 240V are seperated by a relay anyway. All your adding is another place where he can f up the wiring job. And then you talk about using a tupperware container as a box? If you're going to talk saftey, then do NOT mount it...
  2. glenwal

    Moving To Biab

    just add the crystal to the mash (ie. along with the rest of the grain)
  3. glenwal

    Wrong Time Of The Month?

    and start a bidding war on the rent so we drive the price up above market and then she can't get any actual tennants because she's asking too much.
  4. glenwal

    Correct Beer Line Length

    If your getting a sweet pour atm, then how is it an upgrade? Just because the new line is a brand name? I'd be going with your own advice, or it'll never be as good as it was and you'll forever curse yourself for changing it.
  5. glenwal

    Stc 1000 Temp Controller

    The STC just has relays for the heating/cooling, not switched 240V outputs, so you can switch what ever you like. Of course if you want to switch an SSR with (say) 12V you'll need a 12V power supply aswell.
  6. glenwal

    Cider Kit (black Rock) With Xtra Malt,sucrose And A Sg Of 1200! Is

    Can you swirl the fermenter to mix it up instead of having to opening it?
  7. glenwal

    Boil Ups

    Can you boil more than 5L so that you don't end up with an empty pot?
  8. glenwal

    Cider Kit (black Rock) With Xtra Malt,sucrose And A Sg Of 1200! Is

    not really sure what you think you mixed if it was before you added the water.
  9. glenwal

    G&g Heating Elements

    STC's are rated at 10A, so should handle the element fine. if it went bang and tripped the breaker i'm guessing the problem was with the way it was wired, not with the unit.
  10. glenwal

    Brewing Tonight - Live Updates

    Check out the kegging setup link in his sig, you'll be impressed.
  11. glenwal

    Heating Options

    Thats probably too warm for using a lager yeast. The fermentation will produce heat as well, so your probably looking at the brew being 16-18deg in that environment. Most lager yeasts you're going to want to keep around 10-12. If your still keen on the lager yeast, i'd follow MB's advice and...
  12. glenwal

    Heating Options

    What temperature is your shed during the day? The low temp at night probably won't drop the temperature of the entire brew too much, so you probably won't need the heater at all. Are you planning on using an actual lager yeast? Most kits don't actually come with lager yeast, and I wouldn't...
  13. glenwal

    Help Needed For Keg Setup

    Definately the way to go - make sure you get one that will fit more kegs than you plan for when (not if) you want to get more kegs (even if they aren't on tap, its handy to have spare kegs cold gassed and ready to go) That height won't be a problem. Mine is very similar (taps in the kitchen...
  14. glenwal

    Fridgemate Quandary

    I assume you have hard wired your controller to the fridge? Most people put power sockets on the STC and just plug the fridge in, which lets you eaisly unplug it. If yours is hard wired, then there isn't an easy way to test which is working and which isn't (technically its pretty easy to check...
  15. glenwal

    Does Anyone Know What Tap This Is

    The tap in your picture is a lock-in type instead of a snaplock. I've got 3 DA's myself and love them. And yes, they are forward sealing.
  16. glenwal

    Noob Cider Homebrewer

    If you are bottling then the eaisest way to get sweetness is to back sweeten in the glass. Pour half a glass of cider and top up with juice. If you want it sweeter, add more juice. If its too sweet add less. I've done the lactose thing before, but i find it always adds a funny after taste.
  17. glenwal

    Another Stc 1000 Problem

    The heating and cooling terminals are relay contacts, not power outputs You need to connect the relay inline with the active of the corresponding outputs.
  18. glenwal

    Electrical Loads

    Are the 2 10A GPO's you have on the same circuit, or on seperate circuits? If they are on the same circuit you're limited to 16A across both (also assuming nothing else on the same circuit). If you have 4mm wiring though, you should be fine to (get a sparkie to) swap out the 16A breaker for...
  19. glenwal

    Milk, Absolute Bloody Scandal

    Anyone remember years ago when they kicked up a stink about our fuel having ethanol in it. Permeate free milk means more waste (given permeate comes from the milk anyway) which means more cows farting, which means more global warming. My guess is Coles and Woolies both go permeate free, and...