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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. glenwal

    Pouring My First Beer Tonight!

    The regulator will not tell you how carbed the beer is, only how much pressure is in the keg. What pressue have you had the keg under whilst storing, and has it been connected to the gas bottle, or did you pressurise it and then disconnect it? To answer your question though, no need to...
  2. glenwal

    How Good Is My Airlock Lookin?

    Because there is nothing else to do in Adelaide?
  3. glenwal

    Matho's controller

    From the datasheet they have a leakage current of 3mA. You need to connect some sort of passive load (eg. an element) in parallel to the light.
  4. glenwal

    Keg King Taps And Gas Splitters

    plenty of info here
  5. glenwal

    Double Batches

    Search for Maxi BIAB, or Nick JD's stove top threads.
  6. glenwal

    Pinacle Kegerator

    Be careful it doesn't stab you. :P From their site...
  7. glenwal

    Fermenting In A Chest Freezer, Issues With Temperature Swing.

    The freezer will have a greater cooling capacity than the fridge, so the air temp will get alot colder in the chesty whilst trying to get the wort temp down, and thus will cool alot more after the compressor switches off, resulting in the overshoot.
  8. glenwal

    Wtb: 4x Lock-in Tap Shanks.

    Someone was selling some taps a while back and said he'd throw in some lock in shanks if wanted. He sold the taps, don't know if he still has the shanks or not though. Might be worth sending him a PM. Thread was
  9. glenwal

    Rocket Cider

  10. glenwal

    Moving My Brewry.. Water Supply Issue

    Try filling a glass with water from the hose and drinking it. If it tastes like plastic then thats your problem. If it tastes fine, then you don't have a problem. edit: Beaten twice, must remember to refresh before replying.
  11. glenwal

    Bottled The Bottling!

    :huh: I assume you mean yeast :lol: ?
  12. glenwal

    Is Hotmail Working For You ?

    Someone I was working with about 6 months ago still used a lycos email address.
  13. glenwal

    Great Font Sale

    Can you get a male thread welded onto the bottom of it?
  14. glenwal

    Diy Computer-fan Stir-plate Build

    Would bluetac do the trick?
  15. glenwal

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    3/16" is 4.7mm 1/4" is 6.35mm so 5mm line will be fine.
  16. glenwal

    Coopers Draught Kit

    You'll have less trouble if you add the water first, and then the DME.
  17. glenwal

    Warning Noob Question Inside Cider Alc % ?

    The same way as for beer. (OG-FG) / 7.36
  18. glenwal

    Is My Fridge Dying?

    There will be a fan that pushes the air from the freezer to the fridge section - its probably clogged up with dust and so stopped spinning.
  19. glenwal

    Temperature For Pitching Yeast

    Whats your atmospheric pressure like? The faster it drops, the faster your fermenter will bubble.
  20. glenwal

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    From page 5 of perlicks brochure