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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. super_simian

    Good Beer Week Feedback: Good, Bad And Ugly

    I've already expressed my feelings about the Saturday session, from the volunteer side of things. In more general GBW feedback; more handpumps! more venues! more beer! more time!
  2. super_simian


    If by "desperately need" you mean the usual human requirement for food, then I perhaps should have spoken up! I just think it shows some poor organisation. Furthermore, there could have been some communication with the food vans; when it was apparent we weren't going to have a break, they could...
  3. super_simian

    Anyone Working/worked In Hospitality

    Excuse me if I don't take on-board political discourse from someone who can't even spell ridiculous!
  4. super_simian


    Well, I volunteered Saturday for the day-session; and the lines were horrendous! My main gripe was that we didn't get a meal break for 7 hours (because it was so busy I presume) and then when we finished almost all the food vans were shut :angry: Seriously, working for nothing without any food...
  5. super_simian

    John Cleese And "beverage-based Genocide"

    Monty Python really wasn't that funny. Well, I did like it. When I was 10. Ditto Fawlty Towers; farce is funny sometimes, not every episode. Give me the Young Ones or Black Books any day.
  6. super_simian

    John Cleese And "beverage-based Genocide"

    Meh, nothing he's done was that funny anyway. ****.
  7. super_simian

    Sterilising Stuff & Dry Hopping

    +1 for Starsan (18 months later I'm only just halfway through a bottle) +1 for Nottingham - good attenuation will give less sweetness +1 for looking into mini-boils and dry hopping; if hops is what you're after, hops is what you'll need!
  8. super_simian

    Help On Identifying Ingredient

    Not that you would find it in MGSA, but I often notice a flavour I associate with peanut "skins" in beers with dark cyrstal in the grist. At higher levels it can almost seem like carob. Is that the kind of thing you mean?
  9. super_simian

    Pimped Sugar.

    Not where we're from sweetcheeks...notice the A in AHB? Stands for Aussie...
  10. super_simian

    Those Wacky Folk In Alabama...

    Through that, you would go through that in five days. Also, if you don't understand threw v. through, you don't get to vote...
  11. super_simian

    Pimped Sugar.

    All CSR sugar is "cane sugar". Where do you think white sugar comes from?
  12. super_simian

    Cheap Hoegaarden: Brunswick

    Sydney Road IGA, in Brunswick, are selling slabs of Hoegaarden for 48.99, which is a bit under the DM price. I'm not a Hoegaarden fan, but someone else might want to check it out. Didn't see the Best Before date 'though...
  13. super_simian

    Charlie Pickering & True South Brewing

    BWAHAHAHAHA...very good. In all seriousness, Pickering is just a guy. He probably knows more about brewing than he let on, but MMM is not the platform to start talking about it. Like talking to old c***s at the bar about how "Crown is from the top of the barrel" or "Coopers uses dirty Adelaide...
  14. super_simian

    Wychwood Beers Of Character Collection

    It's so annoying, the Ginger Beard rubbish is everywhere, but can I find a Hobgoblin outside a DM? Like f*** I can.
  15. super_simian

    Aiming For Lcpa, Ended Up With Carlton Draft....

    That totally depends on the AA% of said hops. They vary a lot, especially EKG, I've seen 3.5-6%AA. So 20g of 3.5%AA will be vastly different to 20g of 6%AA. Even following someone else's recipe I always use some brewing software (or pen and paper at a pinch, but I suck at maths) to make sure...
  16. super_simian

    Loose Hull Barley Malt

    Yes. Look up classic Dry Irish Stout (Guiness) recipes.
  17. super_simian

    Water Surprise

    TND, you so funny. edit: What's wrong with fluoride anyway? Foil hats all round gents.
  18. super_simian

    Mice In The Grain Containers

    It's weird; we're having a mouse issue around my place (dirty housemates aren't helping) but they haven't gone near my grain cupboard. It's an old wardrobe on the veranda with an occy-strap keeping the doors shut, grain in tubs/wheelie bins inside. But as much as I examine the cupboard daily, no...
  19. super_simian

    Style Of The Week 1/8/07 - Mild

    Just cubed one based on Shut Up About Barlcay Perkins' collection of historic recipes. It's a bit of a 20th century mishmash grist-wise. 60% Ale malt, 20% Maize*, 10% Crystal, 5% Chocolate, 5% Dark Invert. Mashed high and bittered with Bramling Cross, 1.032OG, 16IBU. I'll be using Windsor at 20C...
  20. super_simian

    Is Sierra Nevada The Only Us Craft Beer In Australia?

    Coopers tallies are armour plated! But I have found Little Creatures 330s a bit on the thin side. I've gone a bit anal about what I'll keep lately; Coopers 750ml, Rekorderlig 500ml, German 500ml (with the sloping neck) and un-embossed craft 330ml. Oh and of course Groslch swingtops, but I've had...