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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. super_simian

    Mauribrew Yeasts

    No it's not. Anywho, UK outfit Steel City use Mauri yeast (which one is unspecified, but likely 514) in their Full Marx collaboration brew with London Brewing, as it is London Brewing's house yeast. Steel City turn out some wicked brews, and although I've not tried Full Marx, if it's good...
  2. super_simian

    Rosemary In Beer

    Huh, seems like they were using an egg as a primitive hydrometer!
  3. super_simian

    Hix Pale Ale

    Yeah well, it took about two seconds for me to google the Murphy's description after I read that blurb and thought..."Murphy's? I thought this was the Hix Stout? Hang on..." Pretty poor on the copy side of things! I hope they didn't pay a 3rd party to do their web copy for them.
  4. super_simian

    Hix Pale Ale

    If the brewery is on the forum and reading this; you really need to update the beer section of your website. The description for the brown ale is almost unreadable and makes little sense, and the stout description seems to be to be lifted wholesale from the Wikipedia entry for Murphy's -...
  5. super_simian

    Coopers- What Gives?

    It would be nice if they canned the 62 Pils and/or the Clear in favour of an IPA or another interesting style, but enough people must be buying it that they are still making it.
  6. super_simian

    Aussie Blue Ale

    Just one more pointer; Carared and Caramalt are both pretty light crystals, and in my experience Carared doesn't really do much in the way of redness. Caraaroma however! So perhaps 90% Ale, 5% Carared or Caramalt, 4% Caraaroma and 1% Roast Barley? If your Coopers starter is nice and healthy you...
  7. super_simian

    Aussie Blue Ale

    Sounds like an idea; however. Mashing low(ish) plus 5% dextrose plus highly-attenuating long as you are confident that you want a thinnish body (even with 10% crystal) and a dryish finish. My personal feeling would be to go with either a low mash temperature or the 5% sugar. And...
  8. super_simian

    Alternative No Chill

    No chiller, as opposed to no chilling?
  9. super_simian

    Ranga Beer?

    It's at a few bars round my way (Brunswick) so I've drunk a few; it's OK, but I do get a slight plastic or band-aid flavour to it. AFAIK it's brewed at the same place that does "Bearings", Southern Bay. Make of that what you will.
  10. super_simian

    Yet Another Cube Question..

    I BIAB in a 19L pot, and fill a 15L cube (which holds 16.2L full to the brim) then top up to 18L. Why 18? Well, it just works for milk crates x 500ml bottles = 3 milk crates give or take.
  11. super_simian

    Fermenting Fridge

    Balls :( My freezer-less bar fridge just kicked the bucket and I only have a fridge/freezer combo to replace it with. How bad does the mould get?
  12. super_simian

    Inner City Melbourne Brew Club

    I'm in Brunswick and car-less, so I'm relatively keen for something local. Bearing in mind that the last club I was in was at age 15. And one day I just stopped going. I'd like to imagine I'm more mature about things now but...hopefully brewing has better longevity than WH40K!
  13. super_simian

    Slow Burn Then Rocket Ferment

    What did you use to measure? Hydro or Refractometer?
  14. super_simian

    Wow Who Would Of Thought.....

    Bit environmentally uncool though. Reduce, reuse, recyle.
  15. super_simian

    How Crap Is Crown!

    We used mice for an experiment in year 10 science (13 odd years ago now) and every time a Draught gets waved in my general proximity, I'm right back there in that stinking science lab; wet newspaper and mousepiss. As much as I don't like to turn down a free beer, I will if it's Carlton. Or...
  16. super_simian

    Coopers Yeast In A Red Ale?

    Bottle cultured or Dry Homebrew yeast?
  17. super_simian

    Regenerating Yeast - Please Help!

    Perhaps spring for a liquid Saison yeast?
  18. super_simian

    4 Pines Kolsch

    'Cept far as I'm aware, we (Australia) don't recognise Protected Geographical Status except for wine; so you can call your beer any name you like!
  19. super_simian

    Beer Labels And Logos

    ^Damn, that's nice man...