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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pbrosnan

    Recent Us Beer Experience

    errr ... yes?? Not in the quantities and at the price either.
  2. pbrosnan

    Recent Us Beer Experience

    Hi all, Spent about 3 weeks in the US with the family. I never get over the range and diversity of the US craft beer market, and of course the availability and price. Here's a (incomplete) list of what I had, all were very good unless specified. The US obsession with hops continues, and I don't...
  3. pbrosnan

    The Future Of Australian Craft Beer?

    No you are.
  4. pbrosnan

    Fanboys - These Members

    And buy some bloody books and get on with it, it's not that hard FFS. A lot of the BS on here is generated by people who want to make a simple process difficult. And that comment about commercial brewers is rubbish. Real commercial brewers aren't interested in the types of techniques and styles...
  5. pbrosnan

    Belgian Triple/ipa Recipe

    Hi there, This is a recipe I used for an "AmericoBelgian" experiment that didn't tutn out to bad: Brew 118 A ProMash Recipe Report Recipe Specifics ---------------- Batch Size (L): 27.00 Wort Size (L): 27.00 Total Grain (kg): 6.30 Anticipated OG: 1.060...
  6. pbrosnan

    New To Ahb

    The beer is always good. When are your going up? Make it a Friday and I'll cadge a lift.
  7. pbrosnan

    New To Ahb

    Gryphon Brewing is a good source for malts, yeast and hops if Bassendean is within your range. I found that I moved from kits to extract to AG withing about 6 brews. The quality is the key and 130 brews later I have no regrets despite the added complexity and expense. It's not about cheap grog...
  8. pbrosnan

    Worst, Longest Brew Day Ever.... With Pics

    Mosquito wire :blink:
  9. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    You don't. But once upon a time we didn't have this type of toss off.
  10. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Sorry hadn't read this one. This is real BS.
  11. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Hmm ... seems a fairly typical comment ... with which I'd disagree. I think this SB compares very favourably with the first SB, a US IPA IIRC. They've upped the IBUs and the ABV, don't really see what people have to critcise. Of course there could be a bit of BS (Beer Snobbery) starting to take...
  12. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    Excellent beer. Bought two cartons from DeVine in Ingelwood for $60 each.
  13. pbrosnan

    What Are Coopers Playing At?

    This looks like a win-win too me. Anchor's different to SN, not as hoppy IMHO and not meant to be. A very good beer.
  14. pbrosnan

    New Low Volume Craft Beer "aussie Cool"

    Indeed Nev, I was not addressing quality pilsners merely the tasteless insipid ones that some posters apparently enjoy.
  15. pbrosnan

    New Low Volume Craft Beer "aussie Cool"

    Woefully out of touch I'm afraid. In case you haven't noticed a great deal of what happens in the US happens here. OK, so you don't have a taste hops. Good for you! There's an endless supply of insipid lagers and tasteless, flat English ales out there that won't offend. And I presume you've...
  16. pbrosnan

    Does Anyone Else Throw Hops Into Fermenter When French Pressing?

    What the hell is French pressing? Sounds rude. If we're talking about dry hopping, I put the hops in a piece of muslin and dangle, or "teabag" if you will. I don't find any grassy flavours.
  17. pbrosnan

    Beer Prices In America

    Yes. Oh, unless you're attempting to escape persecution and death in you home land, then we hate your guts.
  18. pbrosnan

    Beer Prices In America

    A six pack of Leffe for $9.50? Here it would be at least double that. I don't believe it's all excise ot shipping for that matter. Australia has the highest retail margins in the world mainly due to a lack of competition. And that can be blamed on restrictive trading laws. I heard that small...
  19. pbrosnan

    Good Beer In Phuket Thailand?

    IIRC I found that the local supermarket near our hotel in Kata has quite a good range of Euro-beers including some Belgians (Leffe, Chimay). Of course i may not RC as I had quite a few Changs which were 6% over there.
  20. pbrosnan

    Home Brew Heavy Lifting

    Ditto, I saw one advertised at a car parts place about 4 years ago. Didn't do anything about it and haven't seen on since (bugger).