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  1. B

    Mash Paddle 2005 Details.

    hmm, pint of lager, batz, big d and many more. this will be one tough comp. :)
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    How Are Your Hops Going?

    well only into my first season and the ol POR is going pretty good (as far as i can tell) up here in the NT. just had another growth spurt and is begining to look good. Can't wait for my first hop cone :)
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    Wyeast Activator Pack Consistency

    hey Big D, yeah i had some trouble with the 3-hour thing. i had no choice but to pitch and pray :) so i give up and make a starter -- as always.
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    What Shall I Make Next

    for a change in yeast, try safale or saflager (depending on the kit or what your after). also nottingham yeast is also a good dry yeast. if your after the little creature taste and don't want to use liquid yeasts, look for the dried version of 1056, i might be wrong, however i thought the...
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    Cfc And Pumps

    i feel so inadequate without a batz pump :lol: :P thanks everyone for the info.
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    1st Brew Advice....

    hi Rodderz, what was your OG ?? edit : ^ | and what he said :)
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    Cfc And Pumps

    Dicko, nah i'm only a 'wanna be' and use one of the pond type pumps :lol:. so i'll need to mod it if i want to restrict the flow. i might try it again (no pump) and try varying the flow of the hot wort (using water) and tap water flow rate to see what gives the best results. thanks,
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    Cfc And Pumps

    ok, quick question time. i've finally got around to use my new ag setup and was pretty happy with the how everything worked. i've built myself a cfc and it seems to be doing a good job, however its gravity fed at the moment and has a small height for the drop from kettle to the cfc. i'm...
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    Brewcomp Winners

    Johnno, there is a forum/thread with some recipes in it. check on the main listing. Phantom, mate, i could be talking out of turn here, but i think people might have got the wrong end of the stick about your post. aside from being humble people, it would take some of them weeks to post their...
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    The Middle Finger

    is it a march pump??? :P :lol:
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    Introduce Yourself.

    hey Tim, welcome aboard
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    Mash Paddle 2005 Details.

    big d, i've sent an email in as well. lets show them what the NT can brew ! :rolleyes: yeah that was corny. B)
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    Brewing Plans For The Year 05

    doc, damn you :P how great would that be, if you manage it, i'll be a jealous man.
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    Black Stouts

    groggo, do share, was it just a coopers stout kit + booster and then the jam or did you do something else. as for storing bottles, a constant temp is the go, unless you live in the NT and that temp is always 30+ ;)
  15. B

    Anybody Have A Spare $2.5m?

    its been what 2 months without the us vs them debate going on.... must be some kind of record ;) and if i could afford it, i'll be in there like a flash..... making beer for a job, *sigh* one can only dream B)
  16. B 1550 Sculpture

    nice plan doc. i wonder how much you need to put away for the bigger models with all the good stuff
  17. B

    Tui East India Pale Ale

    i tried it about a year back. very disappointed in the lack of hops and % alcohol. if they doubled everything it might be more closer to the style. as to its style, guessing its closer to a slighty hoppy english pale ale.
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    What Did You Enjoy Over The New Year?

    damn, thats one heck of a list. my best was the magnum of 2000, chimay grand reserve.
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    Styles To Brew Without A Fridge

    for a dried yeast some home brew stores are selling the 1056 in dried form now. otherwise try the safale or maybe even nottinham. i know the jovial one has nottingham.