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  1. jackgym

    Wine fridge at Aldi

    I'm more or less forced into a new unit because it needs to go in the house so pleasing the good wife is a priority. She's happy with spending the money. I think the Good Guys have new bar fridges and chest freezers under $300 for another option.
  2. jackgym

    Wine fridge at Aldi

    I don't know the brand of the unit, it isn't on sale till Wed. 5th, if I do purchase it. Thanks for the tip on the ice water.
  3. jackgym

    Wine fridge at Aldi

    Yes, a fridge would be cheaper but this unit cuts out the addons. It gets down to 8-10 deg. here in winter at times then up to 24-25 daytime so it's a big swing if I need to keep it at 18.
  4. jackgym


    Old brewer returning after a lengthy spell.
  5. jackgym

    Wine fridge at Aldi

    Hi This is my first time here. I used to brew years ago and thinking seriously of getting back into it. After reading a lot on the web the main concern seems to be the fermenting temperature. Aldi have a wine fridge coming on special on Wed. August 5 ($299) which has cooling and heating...