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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Vienna Smash

    I've done the same with all Wey Vienna and Hallertau at 60 and 10 with Bavarian Lager yeast. Closest commercial I could compare to was the Lowenbrau. Delicious!
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    2016 - what was your beer of the year

    It's a toss up between this and the similar Panhead Johnny Octane. Both superb Red IPAs.
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    How much Carapils is too much?

    This brulosophy xbmt had a great section on foam analysis of various malts, alongside the data they collected for carapils impact
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    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    The other option I thought of was that I dry hopped mid-fermentation to get some bio-transformation action. Perhaps it's some by product of that?
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    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Happy to answer any questions! Motueka was added in equal amounts at 60, 30 and 10 mins. I also lightly dry hopped with it along with the citrus peel and juice. Crystal was 4% caramunich, so more than a touch but not over the top. Regarding the flavour, if you tend to get it with lagers the...
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    NSW 2016 xmas case swap - tasting and recipes

    Thanks for the feedback guys. The citrus was much stronger early on and much like an IPA it's faded during the Lager. Might have benefited from dry hopping/zesting again before time. Fun fact, this was pitched with a passatta jar of yeast cake at 3c, rose to 22c(!) over the...
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    Homebrew talkback on ABC

    Is it posted as a show on the website?
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    NSW xmas case swap

    1.barls - cherry wit, rtd 15/12 2. Mikeyr 3. Fraser's BRB - ESB, force carbed so ready to drink 4. mattfos01 - Kolsch, give it another week, ready by 10 December. 5. Reman - Citrus Lager - rtd. (Off the keg so no dregs) 6.Contrarian - Brett saison ~5% rtd but will only get funkier with...
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    NSW xmas case swap

    I've got cricket at 1pm, so I'll drop off prior. We may finish early so I might be back. Previously they've gone on till pretty late, when are you happy for later arrivals to turn up?
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    NSW xmas case swap

    Currently lagering a citrusy number. Should be good for a summer quencher. Will wait for a preview, be tits currently sitting at 3c in the keg. Will bottle straight from the keg so there should be no dregs.
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    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    Just quickly, cracked my #7 Rye Bock tonight. Doesn't appear to have changed at all if that helps anyone.
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    German Pilsner

    I did a "citrus" lager with 95% pils 5% caramunich with Motueka for the hops and dry zested with lemon, lime and grapefruit. Currently lagering away but initial tastings are very promising. It's going in the nsw xmas case swap
  13. R

    Rye Malts - Who's Playing With Them Lately?

    Haven't used it myself, but I'm guessing it's similar to biscuit. You could probably just chuck it in the bock and back off the Carafa and Munich a little to compensate. Let us know how it goes!
  14. R

    True Weizen vs Belgian yeasts for German phenolics

    I have done a Wit (hoegaarden clone) with 380, and it was pretty reasonable. But then 380 (hefe iv) when used to make a hefe, tasted a lot different to say 3638. But then again I've had 380 produce a banana bomb and a spicy
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    Rye Malts - Who's Playing With Them Lately?

    Rye Bock which I've got some good feedback on (see mid-2016 NSW case swap) Style: Traditional Bock (5B) Boil Size: 19.00 l Style Guide: BJCP 2008 Color: 28.0 EBC Equipment: Pot 19L - BIAB to 15L Bitterness: 30.3 IBUs Boil Time: 60 min Est OG: 1.069 (16.7° P) Mash Profile: BIAB, Light Body Est...
  16. R

    Single hop addition German lager

    I agree with that, 2206 is a real farty pants. When it was fermenting in a chest freezer I almost knocked myself opening it and sticking my head in to see how it was going.
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    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #5 1918 Tooths Appearance - slightly hazy, thin to no head, golden colour Aroma - sweet malty aroma, honey with a hint of hops Flavour - fruity, cherry and apple. Malty with some caramel flavours. Medium bitterness with no hop flavour Mouthfeel - medium body, nice carbonation Overall -...
  18. R

    Single hop addition German lager

    Other option is to split your 60 into 60 and 30min additions. At 30 mins you'll still get some flavours come through but it will be well integrated with the malt flavours.
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    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #20 Southern Brown Appearance - dark brown with an off-white head. Quite clear Aroma - malty and roasty smell, low hop aroma Flavour - caramel, smoke, roast flavours. Some cherry comes through. Low hop flavour. Mouthfeel - smooth and creamy with a soft bitterness. Low carbonation, finishes...
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    NSW xmas case swap

    Last week of November good for me. Looks like we have 15 for the swap. Have a lager currently fermenting which should be ready by then, just need to check volume and swap numbers as I'll probably be bottling off the keg.