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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Ok so it seems that everyone has paid, however I am still waiting for Hockadays (Paid Yesterday), Lakey (Paid Today) and Maxt (Paid 10th of November) to show up in my account. Also I have had a mate pull out on two bags of grain as he has lost his job. He is still going to pay for freight...
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    Show us your brewrig

    That is bloody awesome Stux! You must drink a shirt load of beer!
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    Craftbrewer Dried Cider Yeast - Your Experiences Please

    So is it not ok to ferment it at 20 degrees?
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    Recirculating Single Vessel Breweries

    Hey Big Nath, Have you got any pictures of your updated rig? Cheers, Ben
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    Growlers $25.00 To Sunny Coast

    Anyone from Brisbane interested in another bulk buy of these? Cheers Ben
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    Beer Emergency! Hop Help Please

    Thanks heaps Jase and Browndog! You have saved the day, and most importantly THE BEER! Cheers
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    Beer Emergency! Hop Help Please

    Same amount for each Jase? 10g Simcoe @ 60 20g Simcoe @ 10 20g Amarillo @ 10
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    Kegging Setups

    Looks the goods mate! I could definitely go a couple of your pale ales!
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    Beer Emergency! Hop Help Please

    So I started brewing this today, just mashing out. And have just started to weigh out my hops when I discovered that I have forgotten to get more Chinook and Citra. Can someone please help figure out some substitutes? Hops I have are; 180g Amarillo, 180g Cascade, 125g Simcoe, 90g Hallertau...
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    The above item on ebay! WTF?
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    Blichmann Boilers
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    Saison Fermentation

    Check the infection thread
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    Kegging Setups

    Hey BJ Welcome to the forum! Check out craft brewer (no affiliation etc) they are based in Brisbane and are awesome blokes they will help you out with gear and info. Here is the link; Craft Brewer Cheers, Ben
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    No, if you have a look at the spreadsheet (scroll to the right) it shows the breakdown of freight cost then freight plus your order cost. :D
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    How To Keep Beer Prior To Kegging

    Have you tried this Nick? :huh:
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    I will PM everyone with my bank details tonight so we can get this all rolling. Ross confirmed that freight is $286 per pallet and that all grains are available. BTW I will definitely need more helpers to split up the orders, as I have re-injured my back at work and the only thing keeping me...
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    How To Keep Beer Prior To Kegging

    I think so, I have left mine a maximum of 2 months before brewing. An APA and a Vienna Lager and both were great beers, just dry hopped the APA heavy. Edit: At one stage I had 6 cubes waiting, 2 in fermentation stage and 3 full kegs. So it gives you the option of having a few different types...
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    How To Keep Beer Prior To Kegging

    1. A more experienced brewer can answer this, as I am still getting my processes right. 2. No-chill cubes just need to be kept at a stable temperature, preferably as cool as possible (not refrigerated) and in the darkest spot you have available. Mine sit in my garage cupboard with a sheet over...
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    Some Questions On Brewing Cider

    Did it finish dry???? Edit: Yes it is Sweet Mead yeast
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    Some Questions On Brewing Cider

    I intend to keg, so was going to back sweeten if needed. Also I was thinking of racking onto some frozen raspberries/lime (brewing for some girls who like bloody rekorderlig) will this be ok? I will cold crash to stop any more fermentation. Cheers Ben