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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. slash22000

    So many new hop varieties...

    Is the keg cold or at room temperature?
  2. slash22000

    So many new hop varieties...

    As Yob says, Mosaic is probably the biggest one. People are going mental for Mosaic. There are some other great new ones but about 90% of the buzz is Mosaic. Oh, and, "When is Amarillo coming back?". I've also been hearing a bit about "Herkules", a new German hop. Apparently "intense"...
  3. slash22000

    Election Day Brew

    I won't be brewing on election day, I'll be drinking. Heavily.
  4. slash22000

    chinook as a dry/keg hop

    I keg hop, but I tie off the bag to the lid so the hops are only in contact with the top part of the keg. As I drink it, the hops stay out of the beer and don't get grassy. I keep the keg/hops at 20ºC or so for 2 or 3 days, and then chill/carbonate the keg for a week or so. I've never noticed...
  5. slash22000

    Little Creatures IPA

    Yeah they reckon end of September "at the latest". I just hope that, being Little Creatures, people might actually buy it so the local shops will get fresh stock. I found an IPA last week in a bottle shop with a "best before" of May 2012. :unsure: We need to fund research into keeping IPA's...
  6. slash22000

    Recipe Gives Hop Percentage

    Right, that would make sense for this particular recipe, but assuming he/she wants to brew any of the other recipes in the book might as well explain how they're written out.
  7. slash22000

    Recipe Gives Hop Percentage

    Thing is that most big breweries in the US seem to use lb/bbl as a measurement for hops, and that's easy to convert to grams per litre. Dunno why the recipes weren't presented in that way. Could also use AAU for the bittering additions, designed entirely around variable AA%.
  8. slash22000

    Recipe Gives Hop Percentage

    It's about the percentages. Start with 100g total at the AA% of the hops you'll be using. Decrease/increase the total amount until you get to the IBU target. Also keep in mind that a whirlpool hop addition is not the same as a flameout hop addition. A whirlpool hop addition gives about 15...
  9. slash22000

    Recipe Gives Hop Percentage

    I couldn't figure this out either but Mitch Steele clarified, it's by weight of the total hop bill. So if you were adding 100g of hops to the beer, you'd have 66g of Chinook, 17g of Simcoe and 17g of Amarillo. Adjust the bittering addition for IBU's, more or less depending on your AA% etc...
  10. slash22000

    Little Creatures IPA

    Re: the "very hoppy ale" they had on tap:
  11. slash22000

    Little Creatures IPA

    It's official: 6.4% ABV, 60 IBU's, 30 EBC.
  12. slash22000

    PHA - Pure Hop Aroma

    I somehow imagine taking an eyedropper of mysterious liquid to a bar/function and dripping it into people's drinks would get you arrested in like 3 minutes flat.
  13. slash22000

    Cheap pH meters, I got what I paid for

    Just to point out, when you say "I got what I paid for" in terms of buying something cheap, normally that means it turned out to be ******. Title is kind of confusing. :P
  14. slash22000

    Hop Dealz Australia

    The faster the site runs the happier I'll be. Fast > pretty.
  15. slash22000

    james squire competition

    Maybe I'm just cynical, but this seems like James Squire is going to make a bunch of money off your hard work.
  16. slash22000

    Multiple Crystal Malts in recipes

    I've found 1 litre usually holds about 600g of grain. So I usually buy 2L sized containers for malts I won't be using a lot of (dark roasted malts, Special B, etc) because I only keep maybe 1KG total at a time. Other grains like Munich, Vienna, wheat, etc that I might be using kilograms of in a...
  17. slash22000

    There are NO bad beer yeasts!

    I just want everybody to note that I didn't start it this time. :ph34r:
  18. slash22000

    Multiple Crystal Malts in recipes

    Welcome to the world of waiting for the plastic containers at Woolworths to go on sale so you can pick up another dozen containers to fit more grain in the cupboard. I have an entire shelf dedicated to specialty malt containers. :unsure:
  19. slash22000

    Multiple Crystal Malts in recipes

    I can't speak for any particular recipe, but it's not about colour. Well, it might be, but colour is not the only thing that changes. For example Crystal 120 adds significantly different flavour than Crystal 20. Like if you added enough Crystal 20 to make up the colour of a certain amount of...