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  1. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Your comments are a bit "holier than thou" Airgead. I'd challenge you to prove TasChris comments in red wrong rather than dissing him. Here is your chance.
  2. browndog

    Royal Commission into botched home insulation scheme.

    I'd call that a little more than "fast tracked"
  3. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Well well well, a bit of green propaganda shot down, who would have thought? Thanks for the facts TasChris.
  4. browndog

    Royal Commission into botched home insulation scheme.

    I believe one of Rudd's staffers was given two whole days to cost it out.
  5. browndog

    Royal Commission into botched home insulation scheme.

    Except if you are family or friends of the deceased.
  6. browndog

    Royal Commission into botched home insulation scheme.

    Off topic I know, but he indirectly killed a hundred times more by removing the border protection laws.
  7. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Is that the speckled gray ones with the brown heads? you can eat those?
  8. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Give it to me.
  9. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Corrupt politicians should be put to the sword. That would keep the pricks honest.
  10. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    A funny story, for fathers day my young bloke had to write stuff about his dad. One of the questions was "what is your Dad's favourite TV show?" My 6yr old had written "The Bolt report" I thought WTF... and I was somewhat amazed and pissing myself laughing when his teacher gave me dagger eyes...
  11. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    I wish, I've only got an autographed poster Liam.
  12. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Andrew Bolt is a top bloke.
  13. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    I think you need to take it within the context of real_beers post Stu.
  14. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Did I say that ?
  15. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    You don't take into account that we will more than likely destroy the planet in a nuclear war long before the human race succumbs to climate change.
  16. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Not according to the Tasmanians, if you look at the election results . . . .
  17. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    What's all this got to do with the OP?
  18. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    Agreed, though I don't see how it has anything do with my original comment. As for logging, well, how many logs did they cut down during the 16yr labor rule? I don't think things will change much. Edit: added a missing y
  19. browndog

    LNP win in Tasmania

    With Labor sucking up to the greens to get and stay in power, what would you expect?