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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. seemax

    Grain Storage

    Ikea black containers, $10 including airtight lid .. can also get clips Strong enough to hold a sack of grain
  2. seemax

    S-23 2 Packs Or 1 And A Starter?

    1 packet at 12C honestly wont be enough for good clean ferment if you really want to save the $7 i would suggest pitching at maybe 18C then ramping it down to 12C over a day or two why not buy 2 packets and collect some yeast from the cake into some bottles... then you can do 1 or 2 lagers in...
  3. seemax

    What Brewing Software? What Platform?

    Slightly OT but.. Does anyone think there is a need/want for a decent iPad brewing app? Doesn't seem to be anything great on Android either.
  4. seemax

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    Hardly true for someone who is drinking megaswill and looking to try new styles (which I was some 5 years ago). Sure it's no taphouse, slowbeer, etc but if you ignore the out of date factor (isn't a huge problem at my local store) there is a sufficient number of styles for newbies to try ...
  5. seemax

    Wyeast Budvar 2000 Pils Infection?

    what was the date on the packet? with a fresh packet of ale yeast you can pitch it directly, for lagers... if it's a month or two old i'd say you cell count is too low check and run the calculator the smacking releases the yeast nutrient... to prove the yeast is ok... it's not...
  6. seemax

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    You're correct. I just got a long chrome shank including tailpiece for $12 from my temporary LHBS in Michigan... and I noticed it was from Krome too (like my other SS shanks) .. and the shop owner said they do most of them (made in India). They had just received their first round of NZ hops and...
  7. seemax

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    Ok , thanks for that... will give it another go !
  8. seemax

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    I'm in the USA now, even I can't order from the Perlick site since I don't have a US credit card (must have local address) and they don't accept paypal. ACCC has shown a mild interest in the some retailers forcing their US suppliers to not offer shipping to oz and others to keep their prices...
  9. seemax

    Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

    Made a galaxy pale ale... bittered, dry hopped and keg hopped... nice smell but pretty harsh, took a month or so to settle. Citra is more forgiving and pretty good.
  10. seemax

    Gas Leak

    Surely it's under warranty ?
  11. seemax

    Perlick Flow Control Taps

    I'm off to the US on Sunday for 2 weeks... think I might buy me some (more) taps ...
  12. seemax

    Kegging Setups

    My Perlick 525SS's arrived and I managed to find an hour on the weekend between wife, kids, footy, jobs, blah blah to whip up a cheap n nasty collar for under $10. I'm off to the USA this weekend and I can't decide how many taps and hops to buy... 15kg spare luggage.... Freezer has space for 3...
  13. seemax

    Using Willow 'jerrys' As Fermenters been using them for years now... i no chill and ferment in the same cube... usually get a 19L keg and 3 long necks... glad wrap and loose lid
  14. seemax

    First Lager Balls Up Diacetyl After Rest

    Brew a wit ... 4 days at 22C with 3068 ... straight to keg :unsure:
  15. seemax

    Tap Quality Question

    As above... you'll probably need a medium USPS box (max 20lb) so might as well chuck in some disconnects, etc etc As I said, send him (Nick) an email asking what you want and he will reply the next day , payment by Paypal. Happy customer here, got my tap in 8 business days.
  16. seemax

    Tap Quality Question

    beertapstore (ebay user brauman) - just email him for a quote and to work out postage costs (too hard on ebay) oh! it's just gone up in price since a month ago! also farmhouse brewing (slow response, marginally cheaper)
  17. seemax

    Tap Quality Question

    I just got some perlick 525ss, long stainless shanks and handle for $56 from USA... buy a few with some mates and split the postage only slightly more the flow control 545pc ...
  18. seemax

    2 Brothers

    Everytime I've been there all I see is people drinking Taxi ! I guess it keeps the revenue coming in. Their other beers are decent enough. Judging by the website the have 3 or 4 new beers on the go, not sure if they are all on tap though...
  19. seemax

    Fitting A Font To A Chesty

    Sorry to hijack slightly, but thought this was a pretty novel way of making your own quasi-font on a keezer.
  20. seemax

    Single Or Dual Output Regulator?

    just get a single output and as many flow control perlicks you can afford