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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. seemax


    Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce!?! Love that stuff.... even better with a dash of Dave's Insanity Chilli Sauce
  2. seemax

    How To Power Grain Mill

    wiper motor, power window motor ... anything with high torque/low speed...
  3. seemax

    Heating For Keggle

    methane / propane / butane .... if they burn lean or rich (not hard to do) then you'll carbon monoxide = bad news in a confined space
  4. seemax

    Using Willow 'jerrys' As Fermenters

    Hot water and PBW/sodium perc = clean jerry! Bit of rice too if you want some friction... rinse well... then starsan or equiv
  5. seemax

    Redhill Brewery (vic) To Close Bar And Cellar Door

    Selling beer on tap... with food... isn't that where the money is?
  6. seemax

    Minimum Pot Size For Extract/biab Brewing?

    If your stove pot can handle it ... grab 2 x BigW 19L pots special ($12 i hear)... i reckon you could get 5kg split between at a pinch... which means all grain beers to maybe 5% ABV. Or do extract / some grain in a single plot. 10L might be struggle though.
  7. seemax

    Single Vessel Recirculating Biabucket Trial Run

    I'm using an old Ford wiper motor (thanks Warmbeer!) , powered by an old PC power suppply... plenty of torque but speed is prob 100rpm or bit less. Crushes well though.
  8. seemax

    Rays Outdoors - 20l Cooler Mash Tun

    You can have my old 26L (maybe more) esky for free, with barbed outlet (for hose) ... add a stainless steel braid for manifold or keep as is. I used to fit around 5kg of grain in a bag. You could do almost a full batch (add LME for higher gravity). Need a pot too? I have 35L and 40L with lids...
  9. seemax

    Perlick Stainless Faucet And Beer Shank

    ebay seller brauman59 (aka The Beer Tap Store) farmhouse is about the same price when you factor in 5% surcharge for o/s orders plus slow (IMO) customer service and shipping quote was big higher than tap store chi company & more beer were quite a bit more (experiences with the former have been...
  10. seemax

    Uxcell Elements...

    I run a 2200W element, laptop, big fluro lights, speakers, keezer, heating lamp and the odd power tool all off the same 10A circuit. She'll be right lol
  11. seemax

    Ag Setup Or...

    Brew kits and spend $300 on keg setup :) Seriously... for $300 you could get a 2nd hand pot or urn (40L min) , fridge + STC1000, BIAB bag, ball valves, silicon house, thermometer, starsan, scales, etc etc Then save for a mill (~$150) and buy grain in bulk Did I mention you will never stop...
  12. seemax

    Perlick Stainless Faucet And Beer Shank

    $56 for 525SS - ouch !!! I paid that for a 525SS + 4" stainless shank!
  13. seemax

    No Chill - Possible Airborne Yeast?

    Get some sodium percarbonate or PBW and a bottle of Starsan or Iodophor. After each use clean the cube with dissolved PBW (dose as per instruction)... drain and rinse.. then 1mL of starsan per 1L of water. Few minutes contact time, then drain it... don't rinse and DO NOT FEAR THE FOAM! Seal...
  14. seemax

    Drilling A 50l Keg

    32mm bi metal hole saw ...ideally you want low speed / high torque (something you cheapo drill doesn't do well) KK sell them I thought? otherwise green shed or hardware shop, or ebay if you're prepared to wait go slow and use some water or oil to keep the blade cool
  15. seemax

    Sierra Navada Pale Ale

    I was recently in the US where 6 packs of SNPA and Torpedo were $8 (heaven!) and found them both to be tasty brews (less than 1 month old) ... local samplings have been disappointing though.
  16. seemax

    Ag Noob: Waiting For My Wort To Start Boiling ... How Long Is Too Long

    if you're feeling brave (or suicidal) $8 will get you one of these - that should get things cranking along
  17. seemax

    No Chill - Possible Airborne Yeast?

    How did you treat the cube before use? PBW? Star-san??
  18. seemax

    Suitable Hose For Hot Wort

    G&G hose is about double the wall thickness of KK Mine (G&G) is still like new after almost 3 years of regular brewing, no stain, no kinks - great stuff
  19. seemax

    So, What Now?

    If you're prepared to do some boiling and have a big stock pot handy then google "extract brewing". If you want to try another kit with hops... then something along these lines... 1xcoopers pale ale or mexican cervaza kit 1kg malt extract (dried) or brew enhancer 2 (500g malt / 500g dextrose)...
  20. seemax

    Wanted Cornelius Beer Keg

    keg king (springvale) has the common cornys for $65 ... but also has a few of the short wider versions for $49