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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. seemax

    No Chill And Hops

    Did this a few brew's ago and it turned out great... doesn't get much simpler!! 100% Munich 150g Cascade in the cube US-05 or other neutral ale Can't recall IBU's - around 60 maybe.. but loads of aroma.
  2. seemax

    Perlick Flow Control Taps - All Foam Wtf?

    Sharp bends and crap shanks will cause turbulence in the flow... combined with warm tap and potentially over gassed equals a foam parade !! I've got 525's on a keezer with nice stainless shanks, straight barbs... doesn't matter what beer line length or ambient temp I pretty much get perfect...
  3. seemax

    Cider With Berri Juice

    Just fermented a 10L batch of Aldi apple cider, hard to go wrong at $1/L and preservative free... used US-05 from a previous batch, will let you know how it tastes soon.
  4. seemax

    Burning An Audio Cd On A Mac

    Applications / Disk Utility New -> Image from folder ... then select the CD drive .. and specify output file. Then to burn, select Restore, open image file... blank disc in ...easy. Or use "Burn", its freeware
  5. seemax

    How Often Do You Replace Your Bag

    I thought mine was a goner after sitting full of wet grain in a hot shed for several days (you know the smell I'm talking about!!) Gathered the courage to chuck the grain and rinse it out, then soaked in liquid bleach solution for a few days, then sun dried... it's back to brand new !!
  6. seemax

    Wanted: Kegerator/keezer [melb]

    I reckon you might find someone on here willing to setup a fridge/freezer for your purpose ... someone who has plenty of spare time (eg. no kids!).
  7. seemax

    Florida Arrests Scary! Scandinavia has the lowest by far
  8. seemax

    15a Plug On 40l Birko

    The circuit will probably take the load... but the GPO is only rated at 10A. Get a sparky ... dedicated 15A circuit is the go!
  9. seemax


    something like a Hefe you can brew, ferment, keg and drink before a weeks up!!
  10. seemax

    Anyone Built A Woodfired Pizza Oven

    Unless you've had a bit of practice brick laying just buy one... refractory cement (ie Fondu) is a bitch to work with!!
  11. seemax

    C02 Cylinder - What Do You Use?

    You need about 200g including waste to force carb a 19L keg. I've forced carbed and served 11 kegs now on my current 2.6kg bottle and it's still going...
  12. seemax

    100% Cube Hop And Boil Length

    Just did a munich IPA last night, 10g of Magnum @ 60min for 10 IBU, then 100g Cascade/Simcoe combo in the cube... will also dry hop @ 1g/L before kegging. If you have the time, just add water to correct the volume post boil or preferment.
  13. seemax

    Newbie - Point Cook (melb) Vic

    PETs are great - no capping!! Kegging is even better :)
  14. seemax

    Anyone Worked In Qatar Or The Middle East?

    Do you get a no obligation pre-trip to scope out how day to day life is, meet other expats, look at accomodation, etc etc? I wouldn't commit unless I had spent some time in the area .. it will be quite a culture shock, which is great and interesting..but can wear off very quickly and then...
  15. seemax

    Keg For Sale Ivanhoe Melbourne

    Is that a bad case of airlock mould or is your fermenting stout just happy to see me?
  16. seemax

    Buying New Faucets - Perlick 525ss V 545pc

    I use short and long line .... and my 525SS's pour perfectly. I've got a brand new one in a box with a 4" shank if you're interested (in Melb but can post) ... PM if interested
  17. seemax

    Brewers With Solar Power

    Feedback tariff is down to 8c or something now in Victoria... so much for promoting green energy.
  18. seemax

    Wyeast 2112 California Lager

    2112 does a good job ... if you want dry though at 15c you could use us-05 or nottingham / S189 even, mash low.... should come out pretty crisp and dry and even lager-esque
  19. seemax

    Kurt Tippett

    Coaches too it seems!!
  20. seemax

    Keezer Collar Choices

    my collar is basically flush with the outside of the freezer and i've got enough clearance on my basic plastic handled perlick's...