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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Polysulfone Qc's

    I got a more beer CFWC shipped via USPS and it was about $20-30, vs something insane for UPS.
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    1/2" Bsp Ss Compression Fittings

    I've bought a couple of these from in the past, they work great.... Usesually takes less than 2 weeks to arrive.
  3. R

    Copper Cooling Coil

    Nice work, how did you get the coiling so neat? or is it soldered together?
  4. R

    Polysulfone Qc's

    I've ordered various bits from MoreBeer and it usually takes less than 2 weeks to arrive at my door.
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    Polysulfone Qc Npt & Bsp

    Well I've got various 1/2" bits and pieces (inc polysulfone QCs) and everthing seems to screw in and not leak. Sometimes you can't always screw things as far as you'd like, but that's generally fixed with the right amount to teflon tape. Good luck
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    Yet Another Brew Stand Design Thread

    Hey Prof, Bloddy nice system. Where did you get your oxygen cylinder and regulator? What's the cost, as I was think of doing the same?
  7. R

    Yet Another Brew Stand Design Thread

    Don't stress... I'd done extract for years on and off... One day I just decided to have a crack at AG and did lotsa reading on the net and cobbled together some plastic buckets and a pot. Bought an electric element for the bucket and a basic temperature controller to use for a HLT. Bought a...
  8. R

    Yet Another Brew Stand Design Thread

    That's a kick arse shed... Perfect for building a cool room in for fermentation :P Wish I had a big backyard to fit such a beast in! Anyway I've previously been using a very dodgey temporary 3 tier setup, but am now going to the other end of the scale building a proper single tier. You...
  9. R

    3d - Thanks To Fred

    Hey Dicko, Looks great. I have a 3d and am looking to building a stand like yours. What's the hopper made of and what are it's dimentions to fit 12kgs? Anymore pics? Cheers.
  10. R

    Building A Herms With Cfwc?

    Haven't used it to do a brew yet, but I've tested it a couple of times and it works really well. The pilot burner on the mongolian does soot a little, but it's only a small flame. With a pot on top, all the jet light at one, no probs. My only concern is that due to me using quite a large pot...
  11. R

    My First Ag Attempt

    How big is your batch? That sounds a bit high? I've lost too much in the boil before and had to top up with tap water due to high gravity before. What % of the pre boil volume to people usually lose to evaporation? Not to mention crap lost in the bottom of the kettle? Cheers
  12. R

    Building A Herms With Cfwc?

    Hey dicko, I think you and vlbaby might have got the wrong idea. I'm not proposing to put any pipes in the mash tun. I'm taking about using a Counter Flow Wort Chiller to heat the mash by circulating the wort via the inner rube/coil and circulating water from the HLT in the outter tube/coil...
  13. R

    Building A Herms With Cfwc?

    I've got one of those 23 Jet mongolian LPG burners from Grain and Grape. Controlled with a solenoid valve and Ranco ETC. From my test runs it can raise 60L of water about 1degC per minute. If it's too hot for sparging, I guess it's not hard to top up with cold tap water as my HLT is pretty big.
  14. R

    Building A Herms With Cfwc?

    Hey Jayse, Oh yeah, it's been done before... couldn't find your deer hunter one, but this is where I got the idea -> I'd never considered anything but the usual coil in HLT until now, but I don't have my heart set on any specific way. You say that it would...
  15. R

    Beer Taps In New Bar

    From my experience, that will work... but if you can keep your kegs cold they will keep longer if you're not a big drinker and give you less hassles with foaming.
  16. R

    Building A Herms With Cfwc?

    I'm in the final stage of building a single tier all grain HERMS setup. Last thing to sort out is whether to use a copper coil in the HLT or pump hot water from the HLT through the counter flow wort chiller. I already have the pumps and CWFC, so that's not an issue. One advantage I see is...
  17. R

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    Went to Bunning in Vermont (MELB) the other day... lotsa MAPP and LPG Bernzomatic cylinders on the shelf, but no sign of oxygen ones...
  18. R

    New Brew Pot 120lt Ss

    Good one, so you're using both gas end electric to get it to boil? How long does it take?
  19. R

    Mash Tun 101build A Gmk Ss False Bottom

    I've been using a similar setup to GMK except with the std brass connection in a pot rather than a cooler. Never had a problem with the plastic pipe comming off after doing a good 10+ AG brews. Makes removing the FB for cleaning easy too. You could always use some SS hoseclamps if you were...
  20. R

    Inline Restricters

    You mean 100kpa?