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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Beer Selection

    For those of you who have tried the Ruddles...gotta love the bottle it comes in. Is it just me or do you fell like you are handling a giant urine sample jar? Cheers...
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    Useless Brewing Book

    Dave, when I was in your shop this morning demolishing your grain supply I saw the shifty book on the shelf when you were on the phone. Had a quick peek inside. What the? Why is this on the shelf? I didn't say anything in case you got embarrassed.... The paper its printed on is even too...
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    Great Pub For When Your Drunk!

    Jeez BB I never spotted that. Now you've gone and spoilt it for me.
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    Great Pub For When Your Drunk!

    I love it! The perfect excuse to put a whole range of non-standard, non-boring, megaswill-no-way beers on tap. How could you ever stoop to offering crap beer in a building like that? Brilliant. Damn shame its on the other side of the globe...
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Thanks Jase! Tom, I don't know about a cement lab, but we'll see what we can do about some sort of yeast lab! Got to culture the little buggers up somewhere.... Seriously though, the engineers have inspected the floor and it is solid, capable of taking the tonnage (as it has since 1911). The...
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    New Additions To My Brewery

    Dicko that is one hell of a sexy mill! Beeeeauuuuutifulll. !
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Tell me tell me who it is! I'm just dieing to find out! The suspense is killing me! Cheers...
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Aaaaaah Patience, Grasshoppers! All in good time! PS Thanks Dave, will be up your side of town sometime in the next couple of weeks.
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Good one Stu! Dane, thanks for the offer - very generous of you and typical of the camaraderie on this site. I know I have it on in the background whenever I am in my office. Soon, we'll have our own website up and running which will detail the whole construction process, as well as an e-zine...
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Once again, thank you for your support and encouragemen! Boots, I think the 'mystery brewer' has his hands so full at the moment he can't spare one to wave in the air... Doc, recipes are the fun part, its what we have been working on while the paperwork does its thing. The aim is for 4 beers...
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    Thanks for the support, much appreciated! I't'll be a while yet, but looking forward to meeting a lot more of you in person (how many of us are there on this forum now?). And shouting you a beer, of course! Cheers
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    The Cat's Out Of The Bag...

    This will be a fairly long ramble, so relax, and have a home brew. In Thursdays copy of the Victor Harbor Times newspaper there will (should) appear a category 3 notice on the construction of a new brewery in what was originally the railway goods shed at the wharf in the River Port of Goolwa...
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    Re Calibrating A Ph Meter

    Post Removed due to Copyright.
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    For what it's worth, here's the recipe I am going to do next week. Timely arrival, this thread. This is for a 40 litre batch. % Amount Name Origin Potential SRM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92.0...
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    Cfc And Pumps

    Bonk, I'll probably get in trouble/shot down in flames with the others saying this, but if you are only using a fountain pump not a Batz errr, I mean March pump then my guess its a magnetic impellar type pump? If so, no moving parts (other than the rotating impellar) and therefore no real hassle...
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    Perspex/acrylic Mill

    Hey Pumpy, If I put this thing in the lounge room my missus would make my testicles redundant..... The edges of the perspex are cut square, 2 opposite sides are really thick stuff, the other 2 opposite sides are thinner and ever so slightly bowed in to line up with the square edges. Also adds...
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    Perspex/acrylic Mill

    Hey Dicko, You bet they rock! And the crush has completely stuffed up (improved) my efficiency %age... Cheers
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    Perspex/acrylic Mill

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    Perspex/acrylic Mill

    OK I got a digital camera for Christmas. 2 1/2 weeks later have sort of worked out how to use it...and how to post small KB pics to the forum so that TDH's landline doesn't have a hernia (I'm still landline too GT). Ever thought of making a clear mill so you can see whats happening? No, if you...
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    Cfc And Pumps

    Hi Bonk, For what it's worth, I have a 1/2" ball valve between the kettle and a pump and then to the CFWC. You contol the temp of the wort to the fermenter with the ball valve. Easy. Cheers