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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beer slayer

    Kegged Beer Storage.

    Having recently moved house I had my kegs out of the fridge for about 2 to 3 months without being carbed and just stored in the garage. I put them in the fridge carbed them up and they were great. A little bit of ageing I think does them good! If you can last that long!
  2. beer slayer

    Grain Bulk Buy Sydney

    I could be interested for a bag or two as well Any Idea on time frame? Cheers BS
  3. beer slayer

    Brick Pizza Oven

    Thanks razz I've sent Juddy a pm
  4. beer slayer

    Brick Pizza Oven

    Couple of good sights lads Ill have a close look at them. I really thought one of the AHB community would have built one!!!!!!!! A quick question for any bricklayers out there. Is it necessary to use refractory bricks or will solid commons do the the trick? Cheers BS
  5. beer slayer

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case

    Hi Guys I hope to still be in. I'm in the process of moving house so its been a **** fight lately I have sent a pm to Fatgodzilla explaining Cheers BS
  6. beer slayer

    Brick Pizza Oven

    Hi All I'm thinking of building a small pizza oven in the back yard. I would like to be a brick construction. A dome shape about 1 to 1.5 meters wide. Any built one or knows someone that's built one ? Does anyone have information on how to build one? Any information would be appreciated cheers BS
  7. beer slayer

    Isb Representing At The Anhc

    Mike I reckon the stand can look as bodgy as it likes. The beer I had with those nelson hops was great!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beerbang: . They were all great. :beer: BS
  8. beer slayer

    2008 Castle Hill Competition

    Thanks Chris Thanks to you and Justin for running another well run comp. I had a great couple of days. I think a special thanks should go to the lovely lady there who orgiansied a lovely lunch. She kept us topped with water and crackers. Pass on my thanks. See you all at the next one. Cheers Joe
  9. beer slayer

    Male July 08 Case Swap

    Thanks matti it was my real first attempt at an Irish Red I think i got close. I will brew tis one again Cheers BS
  10. beer slayer

    Kegging Setups

    Like the look of those Perlick taps Mike :beerbang: I should be getting mine from the states soon. How are they working any problems? Are they the S/S version? BS
  11. beer slayer

    Brewing Course

    I would also be interested in a Sydney course. Vince, Is there any Idea of what numbers would be required? Would you need to run the course 5 days in a row? Is there a rough idea of when the course would run? looking foward to it. BS
  12. beer slayer

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case

    1. Josh 2. DK 3. Stuster 4. Fatgodzilla 5. nifty 6. monkeybusiness 7. DiscoStu 8. jonw 9. Grantw 10. Cortez The Killer 11. Crozdog 12. Schooey 13. Kabooby 14. Retsamhsam 15. Thommo 16. Tony 17. Beer Slayer 18. Homebrewworld I missed the last one due to a mix up of dates. (On my part) I always...
  13. beer slayer

    Male July 08 Case Swap

    Thanks Guys It was my first attempt at this style. I thought it turned out quite nice, However I agree with your comments it does seem a little sweet. I haven't tasted a lot of beers of this style myself. I haven't posted many comments on your beers guys but!! I've got to be honest they have...
  14. beer slayer

    Celli Taps - Chrome Vs Stainless

    Hi Thunderlips I'm looking at buying some taps and was looking at the Shirrons? (Ventmatics?) Just wondering where did you get yours from? How much did you pay for them? Was the cleaning the only reason you back to shirrons ? BS
  15. beer slayer

    Male July 08 Case Swap

    1 Kabooby - Dry Stout 2 Homebrewworld - Leave for two weeks 3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable) 4 Matti- lager (bottled 23/6) 5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone 6 7 Linz - Belgian Golden Ale 8 Pumpy - Pumpleweizen 9 Dravid - ordinary bitter 10 MCT - Belgian Smoked Ale 11 Davo El Beero - Pale...
  16. beer slayer

    Best Commercial Beer

    I had some of the German Megaswill at the Oktoberfest and it leaves our crap for dead. However the best is any fresh German Wheat beer, It is to die for over there BS
  17. beer slayer


    Try this for Promash They also have a free trial. If you choose to buy the full version its simple to download it from the site. cheers BS
  18. beer slayer

    Male July 08 Case Swap

    Not sure if Im working lads, but my case will be there Ill Probably grab Homebrewworld as well will let you know. 1 Kabooby - Dry Stout 2 Homebrewworld - 3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable) 4 Matti- Pilsner (bottled 23/6) 5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone 6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale 7 Linz -...
  19. beer slayer

    Ever Used Sandstone Tiles As A Floor?

    Hi Adam Sand stone is a great surface however it can be porous. If it is going to be in a high traffic area sealing it is very important. Adhesive depends on what type of surface you are gluing it to. If it is timber you will need to use a rubber based adhesive (ASA Asaflex) but make sure the...