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  1. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    Swap Oatmeal Stout with 3864 tasting very nice. Cheers Boys
  2. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Couple noted from someone who burned through the lot pretty quick! Shane S' beer is far more hop forward than No. 20 Mick Brew. Meat Heads DSGA is a stout by accident in my batch. Id move Midnights American Brown before Wolfmans Malty Skunk fart. Big Flavours in the fart (no dim sims...
  3. Charst

    Temple Brewery's Back

    Amazing news!
  4. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    Hi Damn, 1.062 - 1.020 represents a 66.6% drop, (fitting for Damn) Attenuation range for wyyeast 1098 is 73-75%, this suggests the yeast hasn't attenuated to capacity. Not having used 1098 before i cant tell if you it slows down or stalls much sorry. But the figures above are always going to...
  5. Charst

    The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

    I like a Boag's XXX when im in town so we all may have problems! just cause you like better beer doesn't mean you have to like every better beer, I find belgian wit or german hef something i still struggle to fully enjoy despite liking aspects and wanting to like well made ones, hef's easier...
  6. Charst

    The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

    Absolute Sacrilege Taz Tiger! Schlenkerla Rauch is fking delicious. Big Smoky Woody Bacon Flavour. I know its probably an acquired taste as you say, but as a lover i must ask: Maybe you copped a bad bottle? or would prefer a Boags/Cascade? :P
  7. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Cheers Cam, With the Mrs flying out on holiday the same weekend as the swap ive pretty much smashed everything.
  8. Charst

    60 year old stout anyone!?

    I drunk a 12 year old can of Mackeson's sweet stout, Sweet Sherry, very oxidised. I had Mad diarrhoea about 3 hours later
  9. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Cheers Edak. Wife's Fav? After the responses you've posted to some of the other beers she liked no wonder this review was short :ph34r:
  10. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Check out what percentage range Irish ale should attenuate on the wyeast site. 3864 unibroue yeast tops out at 79% and after two weeks primary 1012 was exactly that.
  11. Charst

    Uh, guys.. lil' help?

    this bloke needs to be porkspinned cocko
  12. Charst

    Stone And Wood Ale Recipe

    Thats how I do it Brad, Usually dont Dry hop for much more than 4 days and I CC at the same time. A Pro brewer told me he Dry hops way longer and that you'll get greater hop utilisation if you dont Dry hop while CCing. but i haven't tried it as yet
  13. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    didn't muck about yob! I just flicked mine to CC today i'll bottle it next weekend. what did yours finish at? Wy3864 dropped to 1012
  14. Charst

    Floating 'Pie Tin' to reduce boil off?

    how are you boiling? if you've had too much loss you are probably boiling too hard. the tray reduces the surface area and results in being able to boil with less power. sounds like the exact opposite to your drama.
  15. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Damn: Belgian strong Pours nicely clear with a big foamy small bubbled head, lacing the glass as it fades to 5mm. smells nice fruit esters and a tiny bit yeasty. Whats the Alc%? if its to style it hides the grog very well. nice flavours, creamy in the mouth and finishes dry. nice rendition of...
  16. Charst

    Vic 2013 Xmas in July Swap - Recipe thread

    took a sample tonight. Pitched 2.5L of wyyest 3864 Unibroue into mine on sunday after Swap. Dropped like a bomb 1012. I'll check it tomorrow again prior to CC for a week. Strong Roast coffee notes on the nose, sweet up front and dry finish. maybe a touch a astringency but lets hold off till the...
  17. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    20% wheat in the grist could account for the haze techno. I wouldn't **** yourself about the head retention on this beer it wasnt lacking just fading slowly to a edges, whispy in middle, perfectly acceptable. Lower mash temp will help thin out the body of the beer, but again it was perfectly...
  18. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Technobabble: Two fat ducks Cloudy Amber with a lacy head fading. sweet soft and creamy, get more of what i think is simcoe despite the recipe being motueka dominant. not as much lemon lime note as id expect from motueka beers is had and made, If its motueka then i should be ripping out the...
  19. Charst

    VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

    Grainer Wit: Just spent 7 hours in the hospital with the old man after a days work and i need a beer so this review is going to be short sorry. Very bright clear orangy, Smell a sweet honey maybe or some other light processed sugar note. and light citrus, coriander tea to me. Washed down...