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  1. Tony

    Sour beers

    Sour Cherries you say. Cool, i will lock that one in the memory banks ans start keeping an eye open for them locally. I must say that the smell coming from the airlock is very promising. Smells like lambic so it must be going well. I added the last mouthful of some Cantillion after a good swirl...
  2. Tony

    Sour beers

    yeah thats not a bad idea, but im more a fan of strait lambic without fruits. I was going to split off a 5L carboy of the traditional lambic at Xmas time when fresh cherries are on the shelves, but might split a 2nd one and add some apples and honey. Keep coming back to Rye for some reason...
  3. Tony

    Sour beers

    Ok....... i now have a 3rd glass carboy, and plan a 2nd Lambic, mainly due to the fact that i ordered 2 Wyeast packs of lambic blend by mistake. I am thinking of making something a bit different and was wondering if anyone has had any "Wild Ideas" (what i plan to name it) on lambic's A few...
  4. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    IMO..... a better beer than the Pacific Ale. Pacific ale is very nice, but this has bigger hops and a better mouthfeel. If they were the same price i would buy this every time hands down. But at $15 for 4 little cans, its only ever going to be a treat picked up on occasions for me. I just...
  5. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    OMG OMG OMG tastes and smells like nice fresh hoppy home brew! sigh........................... This is now my favorite Australian commercial beer! can you say hops? YUM
  6. Tony

    Sour beers

    hsb.......if you have a read of my post about the turbid mash, its not really any different to a step mash. You just mash really REALLY thick, remove some of the liquid at points, heating to stop enzyme activity, and adding more water back to the mash to heat to the next step. also, mashing...
  7. Tony

    Sour beers

    Yes....... pellicle envy is what i now have as well. Never thought i would be upset that me brew has not gone moldy :P cheers mate
  8. Tony

    Sour beers

    Glass. I presume it will take longer with the low oxygen permeability of the glass.
  9. Tony

    Sour beers

    Well my Lambic and Flanders red have both all but finished fermenting, all but the odd breath from the kitten. How long before i can expect some nice moldy crust?
  10. Tony

    Wheat beer recipe

    Im confused....... are we making wheat beer (hefeweissbier) or Witbier ?
  11. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Just did. I agree....... :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:
  12. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Enjoyed a couple very nice beers last night and on this crappy wet day, i may enjoy a couple of the other special ones i have in the fridge. Anchor Liberty Ale. Wonderful beer. malt and hops balanced with a perfect amount of bitterness to let it all blend in proportion. Dry hopping has also...
  13. Tony

    VB Clone

    Dextrose will thin it out. To get a bit of colour in there use some caramalt
  14. Tony

    Stupid things you have done on brewday.

    Always cracks me up when people turn up at my place for the first time. They usually look nervous and then they say..... gee..... you don't look like your picture :P
  15. Tony

    ****** stout anyone?

    been done before. look up the beer geek breakfast It was very nice too :) Edit: this was the one i had:
  16. Tony

    Stupid things you have done on brewday.

    :lol: sorry about that. If it helps..... i stole that photo off a chinless 12 year old on the internet and made up the story! Now back to my cave to count my rice gulls
  17. Tony

    VB Clone

    Hang on........ are you AG or K+K ???
  18. Tony

    VB Clone

    Na that was all the Tooheys New i drank before starting brewing.
  19. Tony

    Stupid things you have done on brewday.

    tried to crack a kg of pilsner malt for my first ever partial experiment. I followed instruction from the internet that said to wrap it in a T-towel and crack it with a rolling pin. you will never fully understand how stupid this idea is until you try it!............ I dare you :P Next...
  20. Tony

    VB Clone

    I used to work in a plant that made glucose from wheat starch for fosters or Carlton...... one of them. Dextrose is made the same way, but with the glucose they could specify the viscosity and ferment-ability of the product. I doubt very much they use cane sugar, but i could be wrong...