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  1. Tony

    Flanders Red

    bugger! best option will be to just get something in there. Keep the 3711 cool to keep the lemon hit minimal. I always keep a pack or 2 of dried US-05 or Noto in the fridge for such times.
  2. Tony

    Chilling batch without wort chiller + grain to water ratio.

    I say no chill as well. Only thing to consider is if you are using large amounts of late hops you may need to adjust your bittering
  3. Tony

    Dans, The craft beer experts..NOT

    haha...... it just feels bigger because your forced to stand around for far far too long while SWMBO looks and feels :P A better comparison is the underwear section.
  4. Tony

    Sour beers

    nice work Winkle! My "so called mate" never got back to me so doing it solo. good luck with it cheers
  5. Tony

    Sour beers

    Coolship???.......... mate the air in the hunter valley is not the same as that of Belgium, and especially not in my garage. My coolship is swelling as i type, and will pitch it during the week.
  6. Tony

    Wort started fermenting in no-chill cube

    Good point! .........exactly what i do...... only i just bang it on the garage work bench. Trying to dig it out with a screwdriver or the like can damage the seal
  7. Tony

    Sour beers

    sounds like it mate. I'm going to do a 2nd one in a month or 2 with a non traditional grist. Thinking of making a Black Rye Lambic with pils, rye, raw wheat and maize.
  8. Tony

    Sour beers

    Yeah... i figured, if im making a beer that will take 2 or 3 years before its ready to drink, i can put a bit of extra work in to help it along to the end result im after. see how it goes i guess.
  9. Tony

    Sour beers

    Today was the day for brewing Lambic. Winter is approaching and its going to be the best time to let it sit in its early stages. I had a bit of trouble swollowing the "mashing high to get some unfermentables for the bugs" line of thought so I spent a fair bit of time reading and researching. I...
  10. Tony

    Wort started fermenting in no-chill cube

    Ahhhhhhhhh a TAP They tend to suck air in through the tap as they cool, and this air contains bacteria that will ruin the brew. Ditch the tap, put a bung in the hole, and just pour it out the top into the fermenter. Dont wory about any hop or break in the cube, it all settles out just fine...
  11. Tony

    Wort started fermenting in no-chill cube

    Its infected. Billions of wild yeasts and bacteria were having a big party in your cube, and it will probably taste questionable. Taste it and see. That's the best way to tell.
  12. Tony

    Flanders Red

    Yeah i figure if its way too oak laden...... i will be forced to brew another one with minimal or no oak, and blend the old one with the young beer. How cool is a beer that you can fix a couple years down the track with another batch if you get it wrong :)
  13. Tony

    Flanders Red

    The Red Ned is chugging away nicely at 18 deg with a nice 1 inch head. I love how you can see the brew swirl in the glass! My silicon bubgs turned up and i realised i have no airlocks......... i threw them all out years ago :P Will get an airlock through the week......... the foil will do...
  14. Tony

    Newbie with a recepie

    Another little tip....... buy some fresh hops from one of the retailers on AHB and invest $80 on a vacuum sealer on evilbay. Use the fresh hops instead of the tbags and you will be amazed at the difference. Reseal whats left and freeze...... they will last years in vacuum sealed frozen...
  15. Tony

    Dunkelweizen recipe?

    I use a 2 liter flask as a blow off bubbler, and usually sit this in a 10 liter pot to catch the overflow when using 3068. If it doesnt make a mess for you, your doing something wrong :P
  16. Tony

    Hop Dealz Australia

    youz Yob.... its speeled youz