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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Thirsty Boy

    Fermenting A Kolsch

    give it plenty of time to clear, add gelatin, filter, whatever you like - but make it clear. Yeasty kolsch tastes like vomit. and i dont mean its nasty, so I'm saying it tastes like spew.... i mean it has a smell and flavour reminiscent of vomit. Clear though.... wonderful and probably my...
  2. Thirsty Boy

    Clarity Ferm

    My gluten intolerant cousin (not actually celiac) is managing to drink the beers i make with clarity ferm and or the product from which it is made Brewers Clarex. Near as I can tell, as long as i keep wheat out of the beer (it doesn't work on wheat protiens) then pretty much every beer i make...
  3. Thirsty Boy

    Malt Conditioning For Biab - Is It Beneficial?

    yep, if things get sticky, or even if you've used enough water to reduce the amount of flour.... you've added too much water. conditioning your malt is not "wet milling" not even close. Essentially, if you added enough water to be able to tell you did... you added too much. Everything should...
  4. Thirsty Boy

    Beer Filtering Forced Vs Gravity

    my filtered beer is still in decent shape up to 6 months after kegging. Purge destination keg as suggested by filling completely with no-rinse. Push out the no rinse with C02 to completely displace ALL the air in the keg. If it so happens that your filter and lines are connected to the keg as...
  5. Thirsty Boy

    Biab Process Inconsistency

    which is why people should, and there have been multiple attempts on AHB to convince people that they should - actually specify where they are measuring their efficiency. all anyone needs to do to remove half the confusion, is actually say... I got 89% efficiency - measured at pre-boil...
  6. Thirsty Boy

    Commercial Mash Tun - Spent Grain?

    wes has it - big breweries open up a hole (or in our case 4) in the bottom of the lauter tun, rakes push spent grain into the hole wherre its carted away... fork lifts and bins in smaller breweries, screw conveyors and pondorfs in big breweries. Spent grain lives in (quite stinky) silos until...
  7. Thirsty Boy

    Upgrading My Biab

    A single OTS element like that is going to be marginal for a 50L batch. It'll bring one to an acceptable (barely) boil, but takes an age to do it. OK if you mostly want to brew 20 odd L batches and pop out a very occasional double, but as a person who uses one of those OTS elements in a 60L pot...
  8. Thirsty Boy

    Difference Between 60 And 90 Min Boil Time

    vs a 60min boil a 90min boil will: *Naturally enough - evaporate more liquid. This might result in an increase in your mash/lauter efficiency, because to get the extra liquid, you'll probably sparge a bit more. Maybe a good thing, maybe not *Darken your wort - not a lot, but noticeably...
  9. Thirsty Boy

    Irish Moss Or Gelatine

    gelatin first then after the yeast has settled, polyclar. Polyclar works better when there is not a lot of yeast in suspension. Oh, it'll still work no matter when you put it in, but it works most effectively and most quickly in yeast free cold beer. So you need less to do the same job. Its...
  10. Thirsty Boy

    Mash Tun Queries

    There are some issues with heating a keg that has a false bottom in it already. One of the reasons its not as popular a choice as you might think it would be, and why you do see a lot of HERMS/RIMS systems. The issues aren't insurmountable, people do make it work - but my gut feel is that if it...
  11. Thirsty Boy

    What Size Cam Locks?

    Cable ties for things that will almost never need to be undone like the barbs from camlocks into hoses. Two cable ties is how I do it, perfect. You can see here how I've done it. Nice and neat, and doubled up for leak insurance. But use regular hose clamps for things that you don't want to...
  12. Thirsty Boy

    What Size Cam Locks?

    correction to my post (prompted by stubbie) I said 1 male CL per each end of a hose.... I meant 1 female. Better with the males on fixed points and females on hoses. That way when you inevitably drop the end of a hose on the floor, its not going to damage the sealing surface of your male CL.
  13. Thirsty Boy

    Domed False Bottoms - How Domed Is Too Domed?

    yep DP = differential pressure fb invert - pump on, too hard, grain pulled down onto plates, plates clog, head pressure from liquid height PLUS the pump's added head pressure makes very large DP and the FB is sucked inside out. slower flow rate on the re-circ. If it couldn't be made slow...
  14. Thirsty Boy

    Pick Up Tube In A Keggle And Hot Break

    that was a particularly good one - i dont take photos of all my trub. and BDB is right, you'll never get that sort of result from biab. that pic is after mashing in my rims, with a m/out. probably leave more than half of my hot break in the MT... super clean wort.
  15. Thirsty Boy

    Vb Back To Full Strength

  16. Thirsty Boy

    What Size Cam Locks?

    A few less than you think. One male per each end of a hose - but hoses can do double duty, you often wont be using them all at once. Also, some really only need a QD connector on one end - a bog standard hose clamp is fine for things that dont really need to be switched and changed on any given...
  17. Thirsty Boy

    Domed False Bottoms - How Domed Is Too Domed?

    A lot of the issues of channeling and certainly of domed FBs collapsing, are really a matter of technique. You need to remember that there is a difference in the way "Lauter Tuns" and "Mash Tuns" work. Most home brewers primarily brew to the mash tun paradigm... and run into issues when they...
  18. Thirsty Boy

    First Ag, Biab + No Chill, Successfully Completed

    Hot Side Aeration IS an issue - people who say it isn't, usually also display a fundamental misunderstanding of what HSA actually is. You will increase your levels of HSA by splashing the wort into the cube and also by having airspace in the cube. What HSA is not, and therefore also what...
  19. Thirsty Boy

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    Why the hell not? i do it all the time. Vienna and Munich ARE base malts. Too much complicated advice about this sort of thing.... you want maltier beer, use more malty malt. Easy.
  20. Thirsty Boy

    Getting More Maltiness In My Amber Ales

    Sub out some base malt and sub in some more malty tasting malt. Just because its a pale ale doesn't mean you aren't allowed to use some munich. Make the next one with 50% munich malt as the base and see if it isn't a shitload maltier.