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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Gulf Brewery

    Manifold Advice

    Hi WWWH I think 1/4" is too small because a small piece of grain or husk could block it. I would put a 1/2" piece of threaded pipe through the side of the esky. Bunnings sells brass threaded pipe in various lengths. Cheers Pedro
  2. Gulf Brewery

    Super Hard Water In London

    Hi wimbymoonshine I don't think you will be able to precipate the carbonates out easily, but you can filter them out a bit. It will depend on how good a filter you have whether you will reduce them enough for what you Have a look here on hbd. There is a reasonable primer on water chemistry...
  3. Gulf Brewery

    Super Hard Water In London

    Hi wimbymoonshine You could use some distilled / RO water and mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with tap water. Cheers Pedro
  4. Gulf Brewery

    Smack Pak Swellings

    Hi Sathid It should be fine. I would store it in the fridge and then take it out in time to warm up to the same temperature as the wort you are pitching into. Cheers Pedro
  5. Gulf Brewery

    Groggy's Temp Control Program

    Yes Pedro PS - do I need to say more on this? Find yourself a friendly brewer in the USA and get them to forward them on.
  6. Gulf Brewery

    Groggy's Temp Control Program

    Hi You can also buy usb or serial port to one wire convertors for the DS1820's from Maxim. I run this stuff under windows. I was running this under linux before, but for various reasons I now only run it under Windows. Also, have a look at Marty's site. for some graphing software. Cheers Pedro
  7. Gulf Brewery

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    Sammus The oxygen from when the wort is on the stir plate will be held within the wort - oxidation at time shouldn't be a problem. If the wort was hotter, like mash temperatures, then the oxidation may be an issue. Let's not start the war on HSA :rolleyes: Cheers Pedro
  8. Gulf Brewery

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    Sam You should oxgenating your wort after pitching the yeast, they need oxygen to grow. Cheers Pedro
  9. Gulf Brewery


    Hi Cliffo I would wait until you are closer to FG before raising the temperature for the diacetyl rest. If you are aiming for about 1.010 to 1.012 then wait until the OG is around 1.015. Did you have a good hard rolling boil? - I think it makes a lot of difference to lagers. Diacetyl is...
  10. Gulf Brewery

    Half-price Sodastream Drinksmaker Kits

    Hi youngy I reckon there were some in K-Mart at Marion, but that was a while ago. Cheers Pedro
  11. Gulf Brewery

    Article - Tourism Australia's Top 10 Microbreweries

    citymorgue2 - They don't have a date on the article. The date in (not on) the webpage is 19/07/2006 and I am fairly sure that article was around a long time before that. Cheers Pedro
  12. Gulf Brewery

    K-mart 200l Chest Freezer On Sale 25 Oct 2007 - 31 Oct 2007

    Not Happy Jan Picked up a 160 litre freezer this week, though I may be able to bend things and use the 160 as a genuine freezer. SWMBO is agreeable to this :D My only hassle is that who will service / warranty these. Probably a fair chance K-Mart picked these up cheap and when they have...
  13. Gulf Brewery

    Article - Tourism Australia's Top 10 Microbreweries

    A very good question AndrewQLD May have something to do with the fact that I wasn't running when that article was written a few years ago B) Cheers Pedro
  14. Gulf Brewery

    Lovely Valley Brewery

    Just had a look at their site, which had this info on their water Typical analysis shows Mg./L., Magnesium 23.5, Bicarbonate 176, Sodium 149, Potassium 3.4, Calcium 29.0, Sulphate 69.1, Iron .030, Chloride 202 and pH 7.2 - 8.3. High Na and Cl and low Ca levels would make this a bugger of a...
  15. Gulf Brewery

    Sa Micros On Show!

    It was a very interesting event - would love to have had time to explore more of the food and "liquids" on sale around the event. The Microbrewery tent was an interesting place to be around lunch time today, you could barely get to the bars for a beer. A lot of educating of palettes and we...
  16. Gulf Brewery

    Sa Micros On Show!

    Wee Stu - I wish you would try to keep up with the rest of us :P I posted about it on Wednesday night - on this post here Pedro
  17. Gulf Brewery

    Great Pubs Of Adelaide

    Wednesday is fine for me too. Now to make sure, we are al talking about Wednesday 26th? Cheers Pedro
  18. Gulf Brewery

    Great Pubs Of Adelaide

    OK, looks like we are all up for it. Let's set a night - Wednesday, Thursday or Friday around 5:30pm??? Cheers Pedro
  19. Gulf Brewery

    Great Pubs Of Adelaide

    Me Too :P
  20. Gulf Brewery

    Cats Meow

    Hi daz Normally found on The brewery site but found a link to a downloadable version here. I did have a copy, but can't find it. Cheers Pedro