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  1. mosto

    Help making strong stand alone shelf in fermentation fridge

    Ha ha all good still. Opened it up to take a gravity sample last night and my ESB was sitting there safe and sound. Very tasty as well, should be ready to keg on the weekend!
  2. mosto

    Help making strong stand alone shelf in fermentation fridge

    You'd be surprised how much those fridge racks can hold. I sit my fermenter (20ish litres) on a single shelf and it holds it. It does bow a fair bit but has never given way. Now I've said that of course, I'll get home to find collapsed shelf and upended fermenter in my fridge tonight....
  3. mosto

    What to do with spare kit yeasts?

    Can be used for making pizza bases, just takes a little more proofing time than bakers yeast. Otherwise, if you're contemplating moving to AG in the future, they can be chucked in at the end of the boil as nutrient.
  4. mosto

    Off the shelf go-to beers

    Depends what's on sale / available. If going to Dan's usually LC Pale (if on sale), or whatever's cheapest out of Squire's GA, Hop Thief or Porter. If I'm out completely and not going to Orange (my nearest DM's) I'll duck over to Molong to an independent supermarket for Badland's Pale Ale (local...
  5. mosto

    website deals of the day

    BCF have their crab cooker pots on sale at the moment. Add ball valve, temp gauge and heat element (if going electric) and you've got a great BIAB rig. This is the setup I've used for a few years now and very happy with it...
  6. mosto

    Pitching onto Yeast Cake

    As others have said, that is the process. It works, but you will generally be over-pitching. Not a massive issue with neutral yeast and a beer requiring a low ester profile. One of the best and most informative articles on AHB about re-using yeast is this one on yeast rinsing. Very simple, very...
  7. mosto

    Classic AHB threads

    Likewise, still one of my favourites (sorry Stu)!
  8. mosto

    Hop Thief 8

    Grabbed a case of this the other day. Not a bad drop. Not as good as 7 IMO, but pretty decent for $60
  9. mosto

    Whats In The Glass

    Smoke On The Water My first crack at a Scottish Ale. Golden Promise base with a little peated malt for smokiness. I'm going to throw it out there, one of the best beers I've made!!!
  10. mosto

    Brewers Friend Recipe Software

    My take on it is an American company (who may or may not be the owners of this website), bought BrewMate and developed it into Brewers Friend and slapped a subscription fee on it. I loved BrewMate, but to be honest I'm one of those people who does virtually everything on their phone, so when...
  11. mosto

    Brewers Friend Recipe Software

    I use Brewers Friend and quite like it. Only ever used BrewMate previously. You can add ingredients through the 'My Inventory' section. Once you're in there, click 'Add Inventory Item'. In the box that comes up you can select 'Custom Fermentable' to add a new fermentable ingredient and it's...
  12. mosto

    Falling short of target OG

    I use JW malt as a base for most brews and get a low efficiency of around 60%. I'd read on here claims that JW can cause low efficiencies, however my last brew was a Smoked Scottish Ale using Golden Promise as the base. Still came out around 60%. I'm looking at changing my system soon, so not...
  13. mosto

    Smoked Scotch Ale recipe check

    Hmmm....your all slowly convincing me that I've gone a bit light on the Peated Malt. I'm thinking I may double it to 100 grams to make it around 2% of the grist. I certainly want to know it's there, but I don't want it to be over-powering either.
  14. mosto

    Smoked Scotch Ale recipe check

    No worries, I'll have to go with WLP004 tonight as that's all I have on hand, but I'll definitely try out 1728 and audition it as my 'dark allrounder'.
  15. mosto

    Smoked Scotch Ale recipe check

    Thanks for the replies. I BIAB, so am unable to collect any first runnings to boil. I'm hoping the Golden Promise will lend a 'sweetness' to it. I've never used it before, but have read it is a sweeter base malt. That, combined with the dark crystal will hopefully get that caramel/toffee...
  16. mosto

    Process check - falling temp during primary ferment

    I'd say you've pretty much covered it and would expect the yeast to become active again. Did ferment kick off fairly quickly? If so, the bulk of the work would have been done already, so the yeast maybe ready to finish off and go into clean up mode. I've had a similar thing happen with no ill...
  17. mosto

    Smoked Scotch Ale recipe check

    Hi all, After trying a few commercial Scottish Ales lately that have a peat smoke flavour to them, I'm keen to have a crack at brewing one. After checking the BJCP guidelines as a reference point, I see that peat smoke is not looked upon favourably in the style, or brewing in general it would...
  18. mosto

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Not bad. Not quiet assertive enough on the hop front for me, but very crisp and refreshing and incredible clarity.
  19. mosto

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Was that through Dan Murphy's Connections? I got a similar deal on their Surry Hills Pils, which arrived today, $58 delivered. Looking forward to trying some tonight.
  20. mosto

    Bairds greyhound racing ban.

    Also, I'm sure the timing of the announcement, ie a few days after the federal election, was just a coincidence :ph34r: