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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mosto

    Draining the Bag

    I use a crab cooker. The pot part as...well...the pot. The insert serves two purposes, keeps my bag off the element while ramping to mash out, and then sits nicely on a discarded fridge rack (as per pyrosx post above), to drain while getting to boil. The time it takes to get from mash out to...
  2. mosto

    Keg carbonation questions

    There was similar thread recently where it seems that a lot of people use around 2m of 5mm line, but all systems are obviously different and need to be tailored to. Do you have different lengths of line on the two taps? If so that may be the reason. If you swap the kegs over, does the keg that...
  3. mosto

    Drinking my first saison...

    I've never had a Saison. Pretty much my local Dan's is my only source for anything vaguely different. I have looked for Saisons there but haven't found any yet. I decided I would brew a classic style Saison using the BJCP guidelines as my guide. I used the Danstar Belle Saison yeast, and it...
  4. mosto

    Dry hopping when the Krausen won't drop

    Just throw 'em in, they'll make their way through krausen easy enough.
  5. mosto

    Great head, flat(ish) beer

    I'm no expert but I would definitely go for a shorter thinner line. As others have said around 2m of 5mm line (which is what I have) seems to work well. This length means there is around 40 ml of beer sitting in the line. I find my first pour is a tad flat and I believe it's because the CO2...
  6. mosto

    Fermenticus Brew Log iPhone App

    I've just noticed an app for iPhone called Fermenticus Brew Log. I've downloaded it and had a play and it seems quite good. I plan to give it trial run with my next brew day, hopefully this weekend. There's some details about it here. Some small issues I notice is no mash / boil timer (but I...
  7. mosto

    Timer for Hop Schedule

    Except it's not on iOS. My one wish is for BrewMate to be available as an iPhone app. Back to the OP, looks good. I wouldn't personally use it as I've simplified most of my recipes to a 60 min addition and cube addition, maybe a flameout addition. If I have a recipe that calls for additions mid...
  8. mosto

    Snowy Vineyard & Microbrewery

    Going camping at Jindabyne next week! A few of us are going to have a beer and look through the brewery setup at the Banjo Paterson Inn. I'll try and sneak over to Dalgety as well. Any days / times better than others?
  9. mosto

    Think I've got my first infection

    Well, definitely infection! Unscrewed the cap when I got home and the greenish krausen had turned to a thick green sludge that oozed out the opening, and smell was putrid.
  10. mosto

    Think I've got my first infection

    Wort was about 85C from memory. I squeezed and got pretty much all the air out. I thought I did the caps up tight but, as you say, the fact gas was getting out means air could have gotten in.
  11. mosto

    Think I've got my first infection

    Been brewing about three years and, up to this point, infection free. I don't claim to have the best sanitation procedures, but so far they seem to have been adequate. Brewed a Kolsch about a week ago, I no chill and ferment in the cube (20L jerry from Bunnings). I was using some harvested...
  12. mosto

    Scum Skimming

    I too, am a reformed skimmer. Originally done it as I didn't like the look of the crud forming on top of the boil. After a while decided I was taking too much of the good stuff with it, so I stopped. Haven't noticed any taste difference, and am getting greater volumes, therefore better...
  13. mosto

    Toffee taste plaguing bottle beer - free offer

    Hey Wiggman, I'm very much a novice as far as identifying off flavours go, but I'm only half an hour away out at Manildra and am in Orange often, so would be happy to sample if you just want someone else's thoughts. Just a thought, but to see if it is in the kegged beer, but not detected due...
  14. mosto

    Very Pale Wort

    I made a brew for my wife's birthday. She doesn't like hoppy beers so I attempted to make the brew ALMOST completely devoid of flavour. I used 95% BB Ale and 5% Carapils for the grist. Bittered with Magnum to about 15 IBU's then about 5 IBU's of Cascade in the cube to give a hint of flavour. It...
  15. mosto

    Starter Size

    Cell growth will depend on the age of your yeast pack. There's a couple of calculators out there that can help you estimate cell growth. I've been using and there's also one on, but it doesn't work on my iPhone...
  16. mosto

    Starter Size

    Depends how quickly your starter ferments out. It may be done in two days. What method are you using for your starter, stir plate, or shake as you walk past? This will affect the speed at which it ferments. If you no chill, all good, as you can cube the wort until the starter has fermented out...
  17. mosto

    2014 July Lotto Tasting Thread

    Guilty as charged! I owe Jaypes a beer, which was still fermenting when the lotto was drawn. I keg, so only bottled one from the fermenter and sat it on the kitchen bench while it was conditioning, so I could squeeze to judge readiness and so I wouldn't forget. I think SWMBO has put it away...
  18. mosto

    Brewing with unmalted wheat

    So one of the guys has just dropped 500g of flaked wheat on my desk. Double checked the process with him and he said the grain is heated with steam to 100c then put through the flaking roller. I assume this would be enough to gelatinise the starches?
  19. mosto

    Brewing with unmalted wheat

    Cheers guys. I'm doing full volume BIAB so stuck sparge is not an issue.
  20. mosto

    Brewing with unmalted wheat

    I'm going to brew this weekend and am pretty much out of base malt except for 4kg of Pilsner. I brew 20-25L batches so this will almost enough for a batch, but I only have some dark specialty grains other than the Pilsner. The compressor on my ferment fridge is on the blink at the moment, so i...