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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. bullsneck

    Whats In The Glass

    Let's call it an Imperial American Stout! :)
  2. bullsneck

    What Are You Brewing III

    Brewed this last night... BOAB Old Ale Old Ale Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 21.0 Total Grain (kg): 7.080 Total Hops (g): 92.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.076 (°P): 18.4 Final Gravity (FG): 1.022 (°P): 5.6 Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7.07 %...
  3. bullsneck

    What are you listening to

    You racist...
  4. bullsneck

    What are you listening to

    This man... King of the Jukebox
  5. bullsneck

    Water Chemistry Increasing Unfermentable Sugars?

    Could it also be the lower mash temp on this beer attributing to the lower FG?
  6. bullsneck

    Whats In The Glass

    In your PM box
  7. bullsneck

    Whats In The Glass

    American Stout
  8. bullsneck

    VICBREW 2013

    Go Bayside! I am stoked with my second in Strong Stout! Thanks to the VicBrew team, the judges and the stewards.
  9. bullsneck

    Citra - All thanks to Miller

    Topaz was generally (and still is) grown for extract to be used in Heineken until some bright spark smelled it and realised it has some distinct qualities.
  10. bullsneck

    Wort Aeration

    I think he means this... edit - beaten to it!
  11. bullsneck

    What are you listening to

  12. bullsneck

    New Member

    Bayside Brewers range from Malvern to Flinders (not Flinders Street!), so I guess we cover the South East. That's probably too far for you, though.
  13. bullsneck

    Giveaway-300mm PVC pipe- E Melb.

    Bugger me! That one slipped my mind. Are you around tomorrow? I'm headed to Lysterfield Part for some mountain biking.
  14. bullsneck

    2013 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I got home from a few days in Ballarat to find three bines had just breached the surface. Very happy man, I am.
  15. bullsneck

    Munich Oktoberfest

    Yes! Try the pils there. It was hands down my favourite beer of my recent Euro Trip.
  16. bullsneck

    Giveaway-300mm PVC pipe- E Melb.

    1 ro55c0 2 breakbeer 3 bullsneck 4 5 timmi9191 6 Surly 7 Also pick up during week, is that cool?
  17. bullsneck

    Aldi specials

    @Danwood, look again. It has two dates. The first one is when it was brewed. Mine is good until next June.
  18. bullsneck

    Aldi specials

    Thanks Bribie! I am reliving my time in Germany as we speak. Cheers! :beer: