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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    Heather Ale

    At 60min boil, yeah... No late addition...
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    Heather Ale

    Mine's in the keg - has some roasted grains flavour that is not quite in balance. The brew is bitter but in balance there (I used 80g) - its a very neutral bitterness...
  3. E

    Adverse Reaction To Home Brew

    The let us call it an intolerance then... I'm fine with most wines, fruit's a bit iffy, turkish apricots are sometimes inconsistant with the amount of sulphites used. I had a reaction at work (an apricot muesli bar bought from the Asthma association charity box - irony is not lost on me) where...
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    Ph Probe Recommendations

    I've got one of those and it's been quite decent. I've been using it to track pH progression in a Mead I'm doing buffered with Potassium Carbonate and the meter is quite consistent and seems to test my test solutions properly...
  5. E

    Obama's A Homebrwer Very awesome...
  6. E

    Adverse Reaction To Home Brew

    I'm one of those allergic to Sodium Metabisulphite... I'm fine for the most part with Sulphites in Wine and dried fruit (dried apricots being an exception). The last time I Used Sodium Met to sterilize bottles, I passed out on the bathroom floor... I use Sodium Percarbonate to clean, and...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    Exactly... All thoughout Medieval recipes you find examples adding yeast and balm and often you dont... But as we know as modern brewers, healthy yeast is quite essential to the process...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    The could be using well water, but for the larger breweries, they'd need to use a larger source, such as a river... I'm not sure really, using water from the Main River is an assumption. You need to make a lot of assumptions (so good, some not so good) when working with Medieval recipes... This...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    Who knows... it's not like water quality was measured in the 14th cent... There was an effort even back then to maintain river quality as Breweries in many parts of germany at that time were exporting their beers in Barrels as part of the Hanseatic league stuff... And breweries use a lot of...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    The Wurtzburg website (with water links) died just after I accessed it (oops) But I did find the water quality report for Bamberg, just upstream, and a famous brewing town... Water Profile: Bamburg, Germany Profile known for: Classic Rauchbier e.g. Aecht Schlenkarla Calcium (Ca): 106.0 ppm...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    My best German Vocabulary comes from watching das boot and many 1950's English WWII war movies... But I did find a website for the city, but the 'contact' button gives me what I think says 'contact the system administrator'... I'm still trying...
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    Looking For A Wrzburg Water Quality Report...

    I'm looking for a Wrzburg water quality report... And my google-fu is failing me miserably... Anyone able to help? I'm trying to do a 14th century medieval recipe from Wrzburg, and want to balance the water properly... Das Buch von guter spise : The original manuscript was part of a...
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    Porter Recipe

    Rather than upping your Mash temp, why not add some golden oats to complement those malted oats... Would give you a velvety mouthfeel...
  14. E

    New Bunnings "fermenter" Style Containers

    I've never done the gladwrap thing and have wondered why people do it... I've always fermented in glass or plastic carboys with bubbler airlocks or (rarely) a krausen tube..
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    New Bunnings "fermenter" Style Containers

    So what size drill bit did you need for them to put in the right sized whole for the grommet?
  16. E

    Current Favourite Spec Malt?

    Weyermann's Beech Smoked Malt As I do mainly medieval type beers, their malt was usually fire dried, so a touch of smoke in every brew is good... And the Rauchbier I did with 4kg Beech Smoked and 1Kg of Baird Peat Smoked malt has come out truely special...
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    A-z Of Beer

    JUNIPER! For all those lovely old fashioned Ales like Sahti!
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    Heather Ale

    The Honey Shoppe in the Adelaide Markets stocks it... Edit: And it's Myrica Gale - Bog Myrtle or Sweet Gale
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    Broo Beer Franchises

    Reading that pdf... Jesus H Christ... how more parochial can they get... I so hope nobody falls for this 'franchise scam'...
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    Quick Disconnect Barb Stuck Of Cornelius Keg

    FECK!!!!! THATS IT!!!! As they were new kegs, we pulled em apart to put new seals on the posts. I bet I put the wrong post on the wrong side... Lol... Okay, so if thats the case, how do I get the fecking thing off, or is new post time???