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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    homebrew supplies age restricitions ?

    Everything you need to know chaps is right here:
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    Having a "crack" at sous-vide

    So, how many kilos of ribs and steak can I pack into a 50L braumeister?
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    Malt pipe issues with stuck mash You use them as a neutral agent to add volume and loosen your Mash... But at 40% wheat, even with my Braumeister I'm add Rice Rulls to avoid a stuck run...
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    Big Post Of Water Around Australia

    Mount Crosby (Brisbane) Water Report Well, that explains why sometimes I end up with harsh salty beer at times... I've got 45mg/L of Cl- in my Beersmith water tool but Mt Crosby varies alarmingly... Whelp, I guess I'm going to have to stick to Calcium Sulphate additions...
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    EU Referendum!

    As a half-POM... F*ck Nigel Farage. F*ck the UK... I'm making German Beers for the next 6 months... Anyone got a good Bock or Dunkel recipe???
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    Cinnamon beer?

    Medieval Brewer here - have done about a dozen Cinnamon Beers. It's a common ingredient in my Gruit Ales. What I can recommend is using Cassia Bark rather than Cinnamon Sticks. Why - most commercial dried cinnamon powder is cassia rather than cinnamon. Cassia will give you a more delicate...
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    Lady Claire's Ale (Historic Recipe)

    "1840 - 1914" - Ah.... They're a bit late for me. I specialize in pre-1700 recipes...
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    Lady Claire's Ale (Historic Recipe)

    I started with a quote from Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England, Women's Work in a Changing World, 1300-1600 by Judith M. Bennett "Our most direct evidence of domestic brewing comes from elite households. In 1333--34, the household of Elizabeth de Burgh, Lady of Clare, brewed about 8 quarters...
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    Oaty ESB recipe

    That's really interesting... So you're saying that a 100% oat beer will actually work and produce a beer, I wasn't aware that was possible. I'd love some more info on what you did if you can remember and can spare the time please?
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    5,000-year-old Chinese beer recipe

    I managed to score a full copy of the paper. I'm a medieval re-enactor, specializing in Brewing, of 22 years with a large interest in Eastern and Central Asian Cooking and Brewing. The paper has massive amounts of info and the ingredients required are a challenge. There are 7 pots with...
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    Experiment - Adding Oak to a Cube...

    I wouldn't be too unhappy it it was, I'm looking for a decent oak flavour which is why I paired it with an old ale. I figured both are strong flavours that would complement...
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    Experiment - Adding Oak to a Cube...

    Okay, trying something a bit different... I did an ale last night in the Braumeister. Old Ale Maris Otter & Medium Crystal, some Gladfields Shepard's promise with Progress Hops. Added 200g grams of Toasted French Oak chips to the cube, then poured the beer into the cube at 100degC, doing the...
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    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Just picked up a 50L Braumeister (I call her Brunhilda)... Expect loads of daft questions from me :)
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    Questions about Homebrew Legality in Queensland

    It's not fully public - it's a hobby club. Still need membership and conform to club's rules...
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    Questions about Homebrew Legality in Queensland

    We'll actually be able to cover that as the event will have a proper financial report produced for it. We can easily prove that. And the 'evil' is a joke because everyone comments on how nice I actually am. Like calling a short guy 'lofty'...
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    Questions about Homebrew Legality in Queensland

    We'll only have 6 taps on per night for 3 night... I'm sure the rest can be distributed amongst peoples tents... And yes, ABSOLUTELY CRYSTAL CLEAR. We're doing it for the love
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    Questions about Homebrew Legality in Queensland

    Yes, will have QLD RSA by then.
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    Questions about Homebrew Legality in Queensland

    Okay... One for those amateur lawyers out there... I'm at an event (as part of the non-brewing club I belong too) where they've charged a ticket for the event. The ticket covers accomodation, entertainment, food, etc... All above board. How, if I decide to setup a tent and give away about 20...
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    Chinese/taiwanese Rice Wine

    Anyone know a source of yeast balls/culture in Brisbane... I've done a fair amount of combing with no success...
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    Old-time brewing.... according to the BBC

    Water couldn't be drunk because of the bacteria, but alcohol 'protects from bacteria'. (I wish I could have told that to my - now infected - juniper porter before I bottled it). Yeah, terribad... There was some understanding that beer and ale was safe to drink - would have been boiling the...