On average I brew every 2 -3 weeks or so.
When I started brewing AG a bit over 2 years ago I had every intention of still doing the occasional extract brew.
Looking back at my records I did my first 3 AG's and then a final extract. Can't remember why.
Since then its been 50 something AG's in...
I tip all my spent grain into the green waste bin.
At the moment it has 2 batches in it and with a few days of hot weather its more than just a little on the nose.
In fact its so bad I could smell it 20 metres away last night; and that was with the lid on!
Thankfully it gets collected tomorrow.
Wow, what a read!
For the record -
I love Christmas
Hope everyone has a good one.....................................but only if you want to. ;)
Scott :beer:
9 x 18/19 ltr at the moment, which really seems a silly amount.
Ten will sound so much better!
Actually put the hint out last week; I'll know 2 weeks tomorrow whether it was taken up.
Yep, great hop with loads of flavour.
Actually drinking an all Galaxy ale at the moment.
Want to keep drinking it but at the same time trying to make it last. Bit difficult!
Agree and that is what I did.
I looked back at some of my previous extract recipes and picked one I really enjoyed; mainly hop flavour wise; and based an AG on that.
Two or three grains - Ale malt, some wheat and perhaps a little crystal.
Single infusion and batch sparge.
Dried yeast - US-05...
145 kpa is a bloody high carbonation level.
As Paul said, you want to carbonate and pour at somewhere around 80 to 100 kpa.
Good luck with it.
I used peat smoked malt at 3.5% in a rauchbier style brew a few months ago. Still drinking it actually.
At 3.5% I find it noticable but certainly not over the top. Overall, I find the beer well balanced.
When I make another one I'm going to increase it to around 10%.
Probably throw the...
I've just recently purchased two Kegmates. You can see photos of my set up in the "Kegging setups" thread.
Highly recommend them.
If your ever over this side of town (eastern suburbs) you're welcome to have a look.
Visited the Flying Horse Brewery the weekend before last when we spent a couple of nights in Warrnambool.
Spent an hour or so there on the Sunday afternoon and then went back Monday night for dinner.
Tried all three beers that were available, (the Lady Bay was out) the Whale Ale, Dirty Angel...
I use one and have put 30 odd (single) batches of grain through it using a variable speed electric drill.
Works very well and have not had any problems.
Is it better than any other????
Don't know, its the only mill I've had.
I don't know what mine cost as my wife bought it for me for Xmas...