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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. waggastew

    All citra beer?

    Apparently that is what 3 Floyds use (or the liquid equivalent). I think the reasoning is for the yeast to leave a bit more ferment character than 05, maybe a touch more body? Given the amount of hops and malt I am not sure if you would notice the difference between 04/05
  2. waggastew

    All citra beer?

    Brewed this recently for the second time. +1 on the malt bill to balance, this beer is really all about balance. Lots of malt, sh*tloads of hops, but a very drinkable beer. ZDC-2 American IPA Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 19.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.550 Total...
  3. waggastew

    Punchy American Style IPA

    Here is a West Coast IPA recipe thats done well at the Nats. Might give you a few ideas......... Obviously hop types can be swapped to what you have 1.8kg LDME 1.5kg Wheat LME 200g Victory 200g Munich 100g Crystal, light 100g Crystal, dark 400g Dextrose 15g Centennial and Magnum 60min, 8g...
  4. waggastew

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    It's not every day that you get to taste a legend! This beer was the inspiration for Stew's Craft Brew's national winning IPA. Citrus peel, pine, resinous hops. Just enough malt to support but not balance. Dry, crisp, lush. Yum yum yum! A real benchmark for the style.
  5. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    ARB-1 - American Wheat or Rye Beer based on a recipe from the American Homebrew Association winner's recipe section. Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 21.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.076 Total Hops (g): 52.15 Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9 Final...
  6. waggastew

    What's on tap/in the bottle for Xmas?

    Xmas beer is flowing! Nothing like a holiday house with beer on tap!
  7. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Summer Watermelon Wheat inspired by 21st Amendment Watermelon Wheat WWB-1 American Wheat or Rye Beer Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 14.0 Total Grain (kg): 3.000 Total Hops (g): 4.67 Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9 Final Gravity (FG)...
  8. waggastew

    What's on tap/in the bottle for Xmas?

    Just putting together my final line up for Xmas beers. Heading down to a holiday rental in Terrigal with extended family. First year with portable keg setup so it's three 9.5L kegs coming with me. Lineup is: 1. Golden Ale with rye and NZ hops 2. German Pils 3. Zombie Dust Citra IPA Should have...
  9. waggastew

    New World Lager

    That Bock yeast is a ripper. Used it four times now and not a hint of ferm fault (diac/acet/fruitiness). Have thought about doing the hoppy lager but keep thinking the hard earned lager profile might get swamped
  10. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Cool, might chuck in a bit more towards the end, 5min?
  11. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Sitting in the garage brewing a Pilsener while listening to the cricket, not a bad way to spend a Friday night. BGP-1 German Pilsner (Pils) Based on BCS Recipe c/o Jamil Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 22.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.000 Total Hops (g)...
  12. waggastew

    Fermenting coke

    Link to original discussion and tasting notes
  13. waggastew

    Fermenting coke

    I brewed a pale ale a few years back with a % of coke as an adjunct. Left a chemically caramel taste, not a huge success!
  14. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    The bitterness is definitely higher than the calculated 40IBU. I chill by immersing my pot in the sink (immersion chiller is on the xmas list) so even the 0min addition will throw some IBU's. The 30min will end up being more like a 45min etc. The recipe is pretty well as is from the...
  15. waggastew

    What Are You Brewing - 2014

    Three Floyds Zombie Dust clone - Basically a Citra-vaganza! ZDC-2 American IPA Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 19.0 Total Grain (kg): 5.550 Total Hops (g): 223.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.064 (°P): 15.7 Final Gravity (FG): 1.016 (°P): 4.1...
  16. waggastew

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    Mine arrived in the mid-north coast back blocks of NSW today complete with a pretty silver medal. Kids wanted to use it for dress up.....
  17. waggastew

    Confused about lagering times and temperatures

    Something else to consider is slowly ramping down to lager temp rather than crash chilling. Aims to keep more yeast active and in suspension. A degree a day seems the suggested rate.
  18. waggastew

    Tooheys New All grain recipe

    My father in law is not a big drinker but likes a schooey of New when out. He has tasted beers I've brewed from blondes to IPA's and every time he says "It tastes like New". Now smoking since you were 14 doesn't do good things to your palate but still...... Recently brewed a very nice Premium...
  19. waggastew

    Imperial IPA recipe check

    I have only done it with Belgians a couple of times. I think the advice is to add it once fermentation starts to slow ie. after the krausen begins to drop? Other option is just to wait a few days after ferment kicks off. Others may have more experience of doing this with DIPA's
  20. waggastew

    Imperial IPA recipe check

    Rehydrate both the yeast packets in plain water, don't worry if the volume of the flask is small. You may also consider adding some/all of the dextrose part of the way through the fermentation. Might help the yeast chew through the malt first and attenuate well. Make sure you keep the temp...