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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Tcb - New "wet-pak"

    I like the idea of these combination packs. Grumpy's has a great range in south Aust. Living in NSW I've not tried them but people on the grumpy discussion list seem pretty happy with them. It's great that brewshops provide this sort of all-in package and I hope it goes well for CB. cheers reg
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    After never having any problems with suspected infections, I had three on the trot over winter (certainly tasted crook as blazes). Happily they were only half sized batches but it was pretty crook all the same. I've become scrupulous with bleach bathing since then and haven't looked back...
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    Long "brew" Weekend

    I brewed a mild from the camra book - "brew your own real ale at home". It had a big load of crystal - never used so much in a recipe before - almost a kilo. It's chugging away in the brew fridge and I'm thinking of what to brew this weekend. cheers reg
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    Cask Ale And Coleman Water Containers

    I can't report anything for certain. I may not have waited long enough for carbonation - once the container puffed out I started pouring. I wasn't all that happy with the results but I haven't given it another go since then. It may have been the recipe, or my technique or something else...
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    Germal Larger

    Those US purchase/shipping prices sound good. I have a 10 gallon rubbermaid - picked it up in a disposal store for $110 - dusty as blazes but otherwise in mint condition. cheers reg
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    Malt Shovel Homebrew Concentrates

    Hello all - wondering if anyone has tasted a msb kit brew yet? cheers reg
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    Beer Documentaries

    Let's all email SBS asking them to repeat the series. cheers reg
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    One Of Those Brew Nights

    Armstrong - what's the history behind the changes concerning Pacific brewing and Country Brewer. I remember when each had separate websites. When did they merge? cheers reg
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    Malt Shovel About To Hit The Homebrew Market

    Slim - I'm glad you updated the countrybrewer website and I hope that you're able to maintain currency. Websites that don't update drive me around the bend - right about the bend - to the very end of the bend - even beyond the bend. I hope that the MSB kits are fine quality and that any...
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    Happy Birthday Gmk

    Hope you have an enjoyable day. cheers reg
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    When I asked the CBD readers about using Iodophor for starch conversion I was told (for a reason I've since forgotten) that it would not be an effective indicator - that tincture is required. Iodophor is certainly good stuff - I use a small syringe to make up 1,3 or half litre solutions. I...
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    Al Korzonas wrote a terrific book for beginning - not only for the information on how to brew but also the terrific and extensive information on analysing problems. Homebrewing - Volume I cheers reg
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    I soak my brewing equipment (ie fermenters, hoses, bits of plastic etc) in bleach solution for a few days (after rinsing all the post fermentation gunk). Upon emptying a bottle I give it a very good sloosh in cold and hot water and leave upside down in a m*** crate to drain and dry. On...
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    Too Bitter

    A bit off the track, but I'm a bit of a Horizon fan and I can't resist putting in a bit of a plug, so anyway - I've been using Horizon pellets quite a bit lately- high alpha but not harsh (the way I've noticed NZ super alpha can be). Good for bittering - in fact I've had some highly bitter...
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    Too Bitter

    Postmodern - what was your bittering hop and approximate IBUs? cheers reg
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    Secondary Fermentation

    What sort of brew is it - eg. kit, extract, grain? Some of my grain brews have had final gravities a little under 1.020. cheers reg
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    Grain Mills

    That sounds like a good idea Doc - I've seen the odd water bottle around and could use a bigger hopper - my valley takes 3kg of grain as is - a larger hopper could be useful. cheers reg
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    Is Speed Important In Bottling?

    Me too GSR - otherwise I don't think I would have returned to brewing after being disappointed with my initial cidery efforts. cheers reg
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    Grain Mills

    My mill took 3 months to arrive too - though it seemed much longer at the time. I attached mine to a very very old television bench - one of those old black steel ones with wheels and a particleboard top (and a super brown contact sheet). I cut a hole in the particleboard and it was just the...
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    Is Speed Important In Bottling?

    I keep meaning to have at least one PET bottle on hand to use as GSR describes - certainly sounds like a good idea to get an idea of how carbonation is going. cheers reg