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  1. R

    Another First Time Ag Brew

    Rice hulls are great for ensuring a smooth runoff. (I also found that moving from a false bottom to a bazooka mesh did wonders - I was pretty surprised.) I had stuck mashes when I first started AG. I was crushing the grain much finer than my HBS. I'm sure it will taste great. cheers reg
  2. R

    What Size Mashtun?

    I use a 10 gallon rubbermaid - around 36 litres - does the trick for regular batches. There are some nice coleman eskies around,6273-707.aspx These sound great for maintaining a constant temperature. Anyone used one? cheers reg
  3. R

    Fave O/s Beer Site

    b3 and st pats for all the wonderful gadgets. b3 have a terrific high-resolution catalogue for download - all that terrific stainless steel. Anyway - big d's picture reminded me of those old automobile advertisements featuring a lovely woman draped over the hood. Sadly in this case what...
  4. R

    Mash Temperature Variations

    I find that a really good pre-heat and then a really good mixing helps a lot. I bung some hot water in my rubbermaid for a wee while before doing the mash. After adding and mixing the malt I take a look at the temperature from several different areas of the mash, then let it sit for 10...
  5. R

    First All Grain In The Fermenter

    Good on you sosman - those are great pictures - particularly the final one. I think that mashing is great fun. I'm just going to have to start doing triple decoctions so I can introduce some more complexity. It's all become far too straightforward for my liking. :-) cheers reg
  6. R

    Worsts Hbs Advice Ever

    something along the lines of 'all the breweries use malt extract - noone brews with grain anymore' cheers reg
  7. R

    10 Gallon Rubbermaid Coolers

    Looks like geminex does have the rubbermaid 10 gallon coolers, along with the ironclad igloo coolers. I picked up mine from a disposal store on parramatta road - think it was about $100. cheers reg
  8. R

    Champagne Bottles/ Cherry Stout

    You can cap a champ. bottle with a bench capper - you just need a tirage bell (and a bench capper that lets you screw in a replacement bell) and some bigger crown seals. I got mine from grain and grape in victoria. cheers reg
  9. R

    Dave Brockington's New Stout Ii

    Hello all, It's been some months in the bottle and it's a wonderful stout - a lovely rich flavour with a touch of smokiness off in the distance. When I first bottled this brew it had a strange and pronounced sour flavour - I even wondered if I might end up tossing it out. However it's a real...
  10. R

    Discolured Fermenter

    bleach for plastic and nappySan for stainless steel. I like to give all the plastic bits a good old soak in a bleach solution for a day or two following fermentation/racking or whatever. cheers reg
  11. R

    My Stout Is Exploding

    That's a very impressive image, Doc - what's your yeast? cheers reg
  12. R

    What are you listening to

    whatever is on radio national :-) cheers reg
  13. R

    2 Tier Or 3

    Tim Thomas (from the Five Islands Brewing Company) recently setup a three tiered brewing stand He got the bits from SpacePac He's planning to put images etc up on the craftbrewing website. From what he...
  14. R

    Hop Backs

    I reckon I like Jayse's $20 special. I was also looking at the b3 hopback/grant posted by big d. It's a nice looking item - from what I've read it's a converted asparagus pot. It's not tight-sealable (e.g. like a pressure cooker or a mason jar) and there's been a little bit of discussion...
  15. R

    Long Brew Weekend 2004

    No brewing at Reg's brewery this weekend - instead I'm packing up to move house - (where the first thing to be unpacked will be the brewery :-). cheers reg
  16. R

    Labelling Of Booze

    I'm a cap scribbler - a number linked to a data card. cheers reg
  17. R

    My New Labels

    I reckon that beer and pirates are a good mix - aaaaar me hearties! (if only every day was 'talk like a pirate' day). Anyway all of these labels look great - and I'll certainly be taking the doctor's hop tonic. cheers reg
  18. R

    60 Vs 90 Minute Mash

    Hello Pat - isn't it the other way around - i.e. - a thin mash will take longer to convert than a thick mash? (see 3rd paragraph in following page) cheers reg
  19. R

    60 Vs 90 Minute Mash

    Isn't mash duration determined by conversion state? i.e. we mash to convert starch to sugar. If there are variables determining conversion rate, then time taken during one mash may be different to conversion time during another mash. (variables may include mash temperature??) Wes Smith has...
  20. R

    Valley Mills

    I also got my Valley from La Cachette du Bootlegger It was a while ago now but I remember it was a better price than going through Valley direct (and I didn't have to pay by Visa). I couldn't understand why there was a price difference - wondered if...