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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Leaving Brwew In Fermenter

    I've left ales in primary for several weeks with no difficulties. cheers reg
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    This weekend's recipe

    This weekend is looking like a highly hopped pale ale - mostly pilsener malt with a bit of crystal - bittered with horizon - flavoured with goldings. cheers reg
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    How Often Do You Brew?

    I try to brew each week. I've just started brewing lagers - given the longer turnaround time I'm looking at having a lager on go while also brewing an ale. I love the process of brewing so I just have to be brewing while waiting for the lagers - a lovely mix of ales and lagers should be just...
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    To Lager Or Not To Lager, That Is The Question

    My first two lagers (half sized batches) are currently in the brew fridge (an old bung fridge kept cool using ice blocks). One is in the freezer compartment while the other is in the main fridge - maintaining a steady 10-11 degrees. Both use a sachet of saflager s23 - rehydrated then gradually...
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    This weekend's recipe

    Today I'm brewing a lager - 100% German pilsener malt, %100 Saaz hops. cheers reg
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    Scharer's Little Brewery - Picton

    Willie Simpson's latest "Brew" article from the Sydney Morning Herald Good living supplement - March 4 2003, p. 20 "Munchen to Picton - A German master brewer brings his skills to a small country pub." cheers reg
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    Quick Water Filter

    That looks like a great idea. I'd seen those britta jobbies in kmart but hadn't considered using a larger vessel. Any info on how many litres per filter? cheers reg
  8. R

    Esb 15l Fresh Wort

    Being lazier than a three toed sloth I'm a big fan of using yeast cake. However the entire cake isn't needed - for a 20 litre batch, 1/2 cup -1/4 cup is plenty. It is possible to overpitch - ie too much yeast but I don't know what the rate would have to be or even if an entire cake is too...
  9. R

    This weekend's recipe

    I'm thinking of brewing an English style mild. I have some recipes from a book called "Real ales for the home brewer" by Marc Ollosson. The first one in the book is a copy of "Belhaven 60/-" and runs to %3. It's a combination of pale malt with a little crystal and black. The recipe also...
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    Ozrat pis-Syd week-end

    I once contacted CUB to see if they ran tours through the Broadway complex. At that time they didn't - don't know if that's changed. It's such a huge site - would be fascinating to watch an industrial brewing process on such a large scale. Whatever people may think of mainstream Australian...
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    Why I'm moving to Victoria

    I think that running an HBS would be like living in a lolly shop (a lolly shop that might do your back in). cheers reg
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    Bulk Supplies?

    I buy 25 kg sacks of grain and crush it as I need it. There aren't many grain outlets in Sydney. I know of oceanbrewing and ESB. Not sure if CountryBrewer sells bulk grain. I transfer the grain to old fermenters and bung on a lid. One 25 litre pail will take most of a sack. (It may not...
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    Ozrat pis-Syd week-end

    Sounds like a great a weekend. I hope it all goes well. (Is anyone really going to be out of bed by 10 in the morning? ) Leon won't know what's hit him - will the ESB activity be part of Leon's regular demo or is this a special event? If you're at the Rocks on Saturday night it's worth...
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    Why I'm moving to Victoria

    I'm planning to give up Sydney and live in a shed out the back of Grain and Grape :-) I reckon you'd go a fair way to find better prices on quality dried yeast, hop pellets and IMC malt. cheers reg
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    Brew Boiling Pots / Stock Pots

    I think you're spot on Barry - I'm sure I remember seeing Birko urns at a better price than the equivalent Roband. cheers reg
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    Brew Boiling Pots / Stock Pots

    One of my pots has a thin steel base - ok for mashing but not so good for boiling, though I suspect it has a lot to do with my crook electric stove. I'm sounding like a broken record today but over the past couple of days I've been discussing my stockpot choices over on cbd under a thread...
  17. R

    Grumpy's ExtraBrew - Marston's Pedigree Bitter

    There was a good discussion of hot break and what to do about it a couple of weeks ago on the Aust. craftbrewing digest (cbd). Worth following but it's not easy to search the current yahoo archive (happily though it's all being shifted to a new system with better search facilities). Anyway...
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    Foaming during bottling?

    I use a cup or so of boiling water - dissolve the dextrose, cool then add to the bottling bucket, then add the wort to be bottled. cheers reg
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    ESB developing a dual roller mill cheers reg
  20. R

    Foaming during bottling?

    If the final gravity was ok, it maybe something about the brew mixing with the sugar. I remember reading something about the difference between adding dextrose grains at bottling as opposed to dissolved dextrose - ie foaming can result if the dextrose isn't dissolved. At the time this rang...