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  1. Thunderlips

    Best Coopers Pale Ale Recipe? Need Help Picking Best Ingredients...

    Cultured from Sparkling Ale stubbies? If it was the yeast from under the Sparkling Ale kit lid it is totally different. If culturing from a Coopers stubbie, the Pale Ale yeast is supposed to be in better shape than that from the Sparkling due to the lower alcohol.
  2. Thunderlips

    Thick Gooey Goop

    JotaIgna, Don't even think about throwing in the towel before trying a few other extract recipes. I've had one go at extract so far, Centenarillo Ale by Neill, and it's a beauty. A bit of a passionfruit bomb and not for everyone but I loved it. It's so much better than any kit I've ever made...
  3. Thunderlips

    Stronger Dr Smurto Golden Ale

    Like NME, I'm not that sure either but if I wanted to up the alcohol I'd probably add dextrose, like 500gms, when your adding everything to the fermenter. I don't think it would adjust the overall flavour as much as extra malt would.
  4. Thunderlips

    Not Getting Much Head

    As has been mentioned, for the easiest way add some dry wheat malt. For more effort, add some grain. Or if you want to cheat, go and buy some Headmaster glasses :) I'm using one tonight filled with a Coopers Sparkling, and it's thick and creamy right down to the last drop. To see what kind...
  5. Thunderlips

    Extra Hops In A No Boil Kit (coopers)

    I'm really not a fan of dry hopping. Tried it a few times but all I get is that overpowering grassy taste. I'm using kegs but maybe it turns out better if your bottling? Since I've stepped up from kits to exctract brewing I've found the hop additions during the boil to be quite enough.
  6. Thunderlips

    Infected Commercial Beer?

    Grand Ridge might get a mention here. The last few I've had have been ok though. Thoroughly delicious actually.
  7. Thunderlips

    Amarillo Hops (anyone Interested)

    I'd (we'd) be interested to hear how you go with that.
  8. Thunderlips

    Tastes Like Chemicals?

    I think that Brewshield sanitiser needs at least 10 minutes or so of contact time to sanistise. Have you been doing that? I like Starsan since it only needs about 2 minutes and it froths up nicely so stays in contact with the plastic longer. You also only need to use 1.5ml per litre and if your...
  9. Thunderlips

    New Taps

    Since he asked, the metadata shows that it was taken by an iPhone.
  10. Thunderlips

    Belhaven Scottish Ale

    Thanks for that, I'll check it out.
  11. Thunderlips

    Belhaven Scottish Ale

    If it's blury then it sounds like your not viewing the picture in it's full resolution. Try zooming in. It's perfectly clear here. I'm not sure on all the AG terms but it mentions "dough-in infusion only" but the temp sections seem to be blank.
  12. Thunderlips

    Belhaven Scottish Ale

    Thanks all. This goes on the to do list, along with the rest. I've just recently got into extract brewing. So many recipes, so little time. citymorgue, can you view this?
  13. Thunderlips


    I normally ferment for no less than 7 days. Ales that is, I rarely do lagers. Sometimes I'll leave it longer. Maybe 10 days or so if I've already got enough beer. Then I'll stick it in the fridge. I find 1 day is enough to get it nice and cold but I'll leave it longer sometimes if I'm in no...
  14. Thunderlips

    Belhaven Scottish Ale

    Hi all, Found this ProMash all grain recipe for the above beer, one of my favourites. Since I have no idea, is it easy to convert to an extract recipe? If so, would someone be kind enough to have a go? Thanks.
  15. Thunderlips

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    $1.50! Just goes to show how much difference a label can make. The Hoegaarden version goes for around 15 bucks.
  16. Thunderlips

    Very Large Stock Pot

    I'm not sure what your idea of expensive is but there's a few here. I bought a 20L aluminium pot from them for extract brewing but they also have stainless.;category_id=69
  17. Thunderlips

    Candy Sugar

    Thanks for that. Might be a bit technical for me but I'll see if I can get my head around it.
  18. Thunderlips

    Candy Sugar

    Here's the whole recipe.. I've actually already made it without the grains (my thermometer broke) and the candy sugar. I used dextrose instead. Tastes alright but I think it might be the missing grains that has made the difference between being alright and pretty good. 2.75 kg Coopers light...
  19. Thunderlips

    Candy Sugar

    I've got an extract recipe here (Coopers Sparkling) that calls for 500 gm Belgian candi sugar (white). I see that Grain and Grape sell 1kg clear syrup but how would that convert from volume (seeing as it's liquid) to weight? Is that...
  20. Thunderlips

    Keg Party Pump

    They are listed here for 50L kegs, down the bottom. Rather than pump with air you could use one of these things.... I'd imagine it's expensive though with it's built in mini regulator.