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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Thunderlips

    Help A Fellow Australian To Stay Drunk

    Too right. These days there are just too many laws to protect the stupid. It's getting much harder to knock yourself off and win a Darwin Award. We just have to learn to live with them.
  2. Thunderlips

    Mangrove Jack Munich Lager

    How long have you been kegging? Cloudy is pretty much what I always got in a keg until I started filtering. There's other methods though such as gelatin etc.
  3. Thunderlips

    Beer Glass

    Razz, cheap glasses here, and you can buy per glass, not per 48 pack. 285ml Crown conical Headmaster is $1.32. 425ml is $1.76.
  4. Thunderlips

    Are Woolies Deleting Home Brew Category?

    I was last at the local Woolies (Wyndham Vale, Vic) about 4 weeks ago. I did a few laps looking for the homebrew section and could not find it anywhere :(
  5. Thunderlips

    I Know Its Nothing New But..

    That aint portable... This is portable... Your post just reminded me that mine has been at a mates for about a year now. Time to go and get it!
  6. Thunderlips

    Which Kegerator

    I also bought the Pinnacle version and found the same, the temp does not match the LCD display and the motor seemed to be running most of the time. This was in a garage mind you. It might do better inside a cool house. After a little while I went back to my trusty fridge with the taps in the door.
  7. Thunderlips

    Drilling Holes In My Keg Fridge

    It looks kind of similar to my fridge. If you put a shelf over the compressor hump you should be able to get 4 kegs in there. You'll just need some chip board and some bricks. Here's an old pic of mine, it's been cleaned up a bit since then. There's a 40 litre keg in there but I have no...
  8. Thunderlips

    40l Keg Crash Carbonation

    I've got a 40 odd litre keg with corny type ball lock posts. It's been a while since I've used it but I use this method with all my kegs and it works great. It's hard to get it wrong because you use the regulator the check the carbonation level...
  9. Thunderlips

    Best New Taps For Keg King Kegerators

    I bought these taps a while back and if I remember rightly, so did Doc, and we came to the same conclusion. Avoid. The problem with the 575 is that since you can pull both forward and backward it's difficult to return the handle to exact centre. Mine used to drip for a few minutes after a...
  10. Thunderlips

    New Diy Coopers Kit

    A quick search shows that Mercs posted last Monday. So he does still pop in every now and then. I wonder if he still makes that peach ale?
  11. Thunderlips

    You Call That A Fridge?

    The main problem with big fridges like these are that you could have a heart attack when you get the power bill.
  12. Thunderlips

    Beer Glass Cleaning

    I use Brewclean. Some glasses are just better than others. If all else fails you could always try those "Headmaster" glasses. You'll find them over at Ebay.
  13. Thunderlips

    Got The Sack From Work By Visiting Aussie Home Brewer Forum

    It might not be brew related but I just learnt something today :) As for visiting AHB and other forums at work, I use my iPad, so if someone who thinks they are important comes along I can easily put it away out of sight. Most of the bosses don't care anyway so it's no real problem.
  14. Thunderlips

    Trap For Young Players

    Morgans Blue Mountain Lager is one of the few kits that actually comes with a real lager yeast. So it can brew right down towards 13c or so and definitely tastes much better if you do so. Of course not everyone can do that so it's good to know it can be brewed at ale temps. As far as kits go...
  15. Thunderlips

    Filtering And Bottle Carbonating

    You can get an idea here...
  16. Thunderlips

    Home Brew Taste

    I can take a pair of glasses from the same batch that have been washed the same way and they will both get different results from the same beer. One will look lifeless and flat with no head. The other will have bubbles galore with a magnificent head. The only thing I can come up with is that...
  17. Thunderlips

    Dan In Bundy At Last

    Each time I go to Dan's or 1st Choice they have quite a range of single bottles on display. Will they happilly sell you a carton of, say, Fuller's ESB if you ask them?
  18. Thunderlips

    Filtering And Bottle Carbonating

    Well I don't know about that wikipedia article. People who have been using beer filters for a while should know best. This one says a 1 micron filter will filter out 80-90% of the yeast.
  19. Thunderlips

    Filtering And Bottle Carbonating

    As Thirsty Boy said, it should leave enough to carbonate but it'll probably take a while. I wouldn't have the patience. So for bottling maybe a 5 micron should be used but I've used one before and my memory of it was not a very clear beer. Was a while ago though. I only linked to that 1 micron...
  20. Thunderlips

    Home Brew Taste

    Good point. Problem is, for me at least, I'm still adding tap water as the last two extract recipes I did involved boils of 5 litres and 12 litres. The rest was tap water. I don't notice any problem with it but now that you mention it maybe I should start using the water filter I bought a...