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  1. The Big Burper

    Pickled Eggs

    Here is another recipe, not quite so "vinegary" :icon_cheers: Get a large screwtop glass jar to fit a doz eggs and the liquid. Put all ingredients, except eggs and garlic, in saucepan and bring to boil. Simmer 5 minutes and allow to cool a bit. Put peeled boiled eggs and garlic in jar and...
  2. The Big Burper

    Coopers Basic Lager For A New Brewer

    +4 :) . For quick sanitisation, get a spray bottle from Woolies, fill with 1/3 ordinary bleach and 2/3 water. Quick spray and rinse of lids, airlocks, siphon hoses etc just before using them will ensure a nice clean environment for the brew. cheers Dave
  3. The Big Burper

    Coopers Original Bitter Recipes

    Damn, forgot the Branston. Also, a pickled egg would go well with that. :) Dave
  4. The Big Burper

    Coopers Original Bitter Recipes

    Josh, If you want to keep it really simple, just add a teabag of Goldings, preferably East Kent. Get a pint mug, warm the beer to 10dC, and sit in a bloody cold room, have a game of darts, and eat a cold pork pie. Yum yum B) cheers Dave PS I am thinking about putting up a recipe...
  5. The Big Burper

    Beer Filter

    B, I know nothing about filters, but.... Filtering won't remove all the yeast, so it will carbonate OK. I get acceptable clarity by leaving it in the fermenter for 2 weeks, kegging, and leaving it gassing for a week. How many fermenters do you have?. You need to get 2, and put a brew down...
  6. The Big Burper

    Heater Malfunction

    Neddy, It will be OK, but maybe a bit on the fruity side. Seeing you caught it so early, no real damage will be caused. If the heater is removable, stick it in a big jug of water and test it. Those side thermometers are not a reliable indication of true temperature. Your krausen will come...
  7. The Big Burper

    Lager Recommendation?

    A, Seeing this is only your 2nd brew, I reckon do a few ale type lagers first, to get the stocks up. If you use a proper lager yeast, it will be more than 2 weeks before it can be bottled. Of course, this depends on how much you drink, but I would die of thirst waiting for a proper lager to...
  8. The Big Burper

    Coopers Larger

    Evening all, If you boil a kit, there is a small chance of HWO, Morgans states not to add their cans into water hotter than 70dC, probably for that reason. Never mind, time will tell. If you get the old cardboard taste, you know what happened. In the immortal words of J.P. "You should not...
  9. The Big Burper

    Pale Ale With Ek Goldings?

    Hi Marlow, Probably too late now, but in English style ales, Fuggles is the bittering hop and EK Goldings is the aroma hop, so in the above recipe, substitute Fuggles for your Goldings and Goldings for your Fuggles. :unsure:
  10. The Big Burper

    First Lager - A Question About Tempearture

    Hi C, Unless you have a really efficient refrigerator, bunging it in at 2dC should not matter, as the temperature of the wort (assuming 23 litres) will not drop that quickly to shock the yeast. There is a big body of warm liquid there, it will not chill all that fast. That's what I reckon...
  11. The Big Burper

    Warm Conditioning In Kegs

    cj., Of course this depends on temperature and pressure, but I found 6 days ample time, with a pressure of 97KPa (my pouring pressure) and temp around 6 degrees. cheers Dave
  12. The Big Burper

    Temp Range

    Check out this immersion heater, I have used one for years, no problems. You can dial up the required temp and forget about it. cheers Dave
  13. The Big Burper

    Warm Conditioning In Kegs

    Read all about it. Thanks to Coopers Brewery for the information. Kegging beer There are a couple of options open to you when it comes to kegging. If you are in a hurry for the beer (a party on the weekend) and it will be consumed within a couple of months, then artificial carbonation is the...
  14. The Big Burper

    Lager Recommendation?

    Ill drink to that! At the moment I'm drinking a Morgans Blue Mountain Lager, made as per directions on the tin. A good light type of lager/ale (as in taste) and with a kilo of dextrose makes it about 5.5% ABV. A good sort of "few beers after work" type. cheers BB
  15. The Big Burper

    Strong Lager

    :icon_cheers: This looks a good recipe, but I'd make it to at least 20 litres, otherwise it will be a choker! :party:
  16. The Big Burper

    Should I Leave It Alone

    Neddy, Let er rip!. The CO2 being expelled will keep the brew safe from air-borne nasties. Leave it for 2 weeks, and you should have a clear, delicious drop of fine ale/lager. Mrogans Blue Mountain is a good drop, but a better drop is Morgans Queensland Bitter, that with some brew booster ...
  17. The Big Burper

    Acidicy Sour Taste..

    Mac, Leave it in the bottle for at least 6 weeks, should have matured a bit by then. BB
  18. The Big Burper

    Price Alert!

    I'm doing a toucan of Stout and Dark ale as suggested on this forum somewhere. I'll let ya's know how it turns out. Dave.
  19. The Big Burper

    Price Alert!

    Hello blokes, I don't know if you have a local IGA shop, but my local IGA at Bribie Island has Coopers Original cans on special at 8.99 per can. Fresh too, use by dates Feb 2011. A bargain, even you canna get 1.7 kg liquid malt for 9 bucks. Happy drinking Dave