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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Big Burper

    Cold Conditioning

    OB, Just make sure when you bottle, leave the brew at 18-20 for the yeast to do its conditioning thing. Couple of weeks at this temp. cheers BB
  2. The Big Burper

    Low Alcohol Hop Bomb

    Thats right, but maltodextrin is not a simple sugar, and will not add sweetness to the beer. BB
  3. The Big Burper

    Low Alcohol Hop Bomb

    b007, If you want body/mouthfeel and low alcohol, add heaps of maltodextrin (corn syrup). That doesn't ferment out. I'd try 500 gms for a start. Don't know about adding hops to an already hopped can, I'd go max 15g in 20 litres, Hallertau would be nice. cheers BB
  4. The Big Burper


    Hello dere, Here is a good site for Indian spices:- No Worries Curries :rolleyes: , even has carom seeds, which is an essential in South Indian Cookery. Saambhar Masala. - This spice powder is used mainly in making saambhar sauce, it is...
  5. The Big Burper

    Beer And Tomatoes

    Thanks dans, I'll try to wriggle out of the CO2 and photosynthesis expanation (which is correct) but add this little gem of wisdom. "A related benefit comes from the partial closing of pores in leaves that is associated with higher CO2 levels. These pores, known as stomata, admit air into...
  6. The Big Burper

    Harvesting Co2

    Hi all, Tomato pics now posted up on my original thread in "The Pub" forum. cheers BB
  7. The Big Burper

    Beer And Tomatoes

    Here is the results, pictures will tell all Lotsa pasata, tomato relish (CWA recipe), fried green tomatoes etc etc. cheers BB
  8. The Big Burper

    Harvesting Co2

    dans, I had this idea for my tomatoes, and have photos to show that extra co2 does increase plant growth. I will also show a pic of the harvest of 5 of these plants. Var Mini-Roma, grown on the ground. cheers BB
  9. The Big Burper

    Longies Vs Stubbies

    ob, I'd rather bottle 30 tallies than 60 stubbies. cheers BB
  10. The Big Burper

    Where To Buy 5 Gallon (19 L) Glass Carboy?

    Hello dere, Anybody know where to buy a 5 gallon (19 L) glass carboy at a reasonable price? ta BB
  11. The Big Burper

    Dark Ale Too Sweet

    ss, Try a shandy with 1/2 ale and 1/2 tonic water, at least it won't be as sweet. You may have to drink twice as much to get the required head spin. :icon_vomit: cheers BB
  12. The Big Burper

    Tastes Like Chemicals?

    ckoerntjes Try a Morgans kit, they roll boil the wort with real hops and don't use any isohop. Stockmans Draught is a goodie. I have never encountered a "kit twang" with Morgans, but have had some shockers from Coopers kits. Fermenting at 25 will not give a chemical taste, I did it all...
  13. The Big Burper

    What's In Your Herb / Vege Garden?

    Iv'e just been reading up on the moth, evidently it can sniff out plants that are suitable for a bit of ovipositor action. Corn,tomatoes, tobacco, geraniums etc etc are all affected by this pest. So I reckon mask the smell with a good spray of the old molasses spray Molasses Spray Dissolve...
  14. The Big Burper

    Particularly Lively (volcanic) Brew

    cd, If doing a toucan, 1 packet of Coopers yeast is sufficient. cheers BB
  15. The Big Burper

    What's In Your Herb / Vege Garden?

    That be heliothis, usually bores down the stem end. I use one of those "Yard Guard" bug zappers to control them, and any other night flying nasties. cheers BB
  16. The Big Burper

    Temperature Readings

    Please Dont! If you start fiddling with the thermostat settings it will take ages to get the temp right. I have used one of those Burker brew heaters for years and years. Leave on the factory setting and you'll be sweet. Those stick on thermometers are unreliable. No need to wrap the...
  17. The Big Burper

    My Brew Has Done Nothing

    To inhibit mould, get a spray bottle and fill with 1 part ordinary bleach and 3 parts water. Spray and wipe off. This is also good for your stirring spoons, airlocks, bungs, siphon hoses etc Spray and rinse these items just before use. cheers BB
  18. The Big Burper

    First Brew Far To Sweet After Secondary Fermentation

    Patience, patience. It will taste crap until at least 6 weeks in the bottle. trust me :) Also the bottles need to be in a warm place for the yeasties to eat up the priming sugar, so it is sweet because the yeast hasn't gobbled up all the sugar yet. Give it time. BB
  19. The Big Burper

    Nooh Hygrometer Use

    Digger, I notice from your first post it has taken 13 days to drop to only 1014. This is a bit slow for the Coopers ale yeast, maybe the temps got below 18 at some stage. At 20, this brew should have fermented out in 7 days. If you just used the can and a kilo, the FG should be 1006 -1008...
  20. The Big Burper

    Question About Fermentation Time By Confused Beginner

    Hi Fi, 4 will do, the colder the better. You will find after a week the beer will be as clear as. I now do a secondary cooling in the fridge before I keg, as this stops the poor old dispensing fridge having hernia trying to get the 20 degree keg down to the set 6 degrees. And of course...