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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    eBay Items III

    anyone into fly sparging - this is a must have surely link :beerbang: lou
  2. L

    Cleaing Ball Valves

    just wondering how people clean their ball valves - I am thinking I will just boil one up or chuck it in the presure cooker. esp for the boiler one - they get real stinky dirty real easy even with rinsing The valve i have is rated for much higher temps and pressures - what creates the seal ...
  3. L

    K&k Pilsner

    if you want a pilser which is a light beer there are no grains that are appropriate to steep - lou
  4. L

    All Grain Or Extract

    Well I've avoided chiming in up until now but things have really gotten out of hand back in my day..... I actually have something to say about this. With K+K there are so many things runnning against you (from personal experience) there are just so many different kits :blink: where do you...
  5. L

    Good Beer & Atmosphere - Brisbane Cbd

    Belgian beer cafe its in the city leffe x 3 and hoegarden on tap . mmmm +plus other bottled goodies stay away from the brew house (onsite micro) beers are terrible - atmos is terrible I tried most of their beers. All tasted the same - bad - the so called wheat beer obviously didn't...
  6. L

    Gassing Pet Bottles

    Hey yaaall I know you can attach a car tyre valve to a PET bottle to carb beer for transport etc. Where can you get the air chuck to attach to you Co2 line to gas it up? :unsure: Lou
  7. L

    Ash's Brewery Progress

    Ooooh love those sexy 3 piece stainless ball valves :wub: lou
  8. L

    Recipe For A Carlton Draught Replica

    I don't mind a drop of draught - if you get it on tap and get it really fresh it does have a nice freshness to it with a nice bicuity bready thing which isn't so bad - once its a bit older though - the sink is too good for it.
  9. L

    Holgate Brewhouse - Mt Macedon Ale

    Well all I can say is I am glad I got a nice one up here is brissy too lou
  10. L

    Holgate Brewhouse - Mt Macedon Ale

    Well I haven't actually been there but I picked up a couple of the Mt Macedon ale at the local Dan Murphys and I can highly recommend - ( no afill etc) a really nice pale ale with very nice hop profile - will be picking up a few more of these anyone been to the brewery? holgate brewery link...
  11. L

    The Big Boy

    Just couldn't pass this one up at such a bargain - 22 ltr pressure cooker - biggest size available -Hawkins brand 2nd hand for $50 bucks!! :beer: my new toy - so shiny canned starters here we come :chug: lou lou
  12. L

    Simple And Cheap Solutions....

    its the tropics mate - big as grasshoppers- ;) lou
  13. L

    Simple And Cheap Solutions....

    I used a camping mat and the ants ate it !! wierd but true (if you have ants beware the mat) lou
  14. L

    Home Brew Shops

    How bout this asked for 10Kg of marris otter 3 of wheat and 1 of carafa - they mixed it all in together in the one bag - what sort of beer would that be! didn't realise till i got home :angry: asked if they had any keg valves - 'we can order them in mate' mumble mumble says i he comes...
  15. L

    Monteiths Black - What Is It?

    They use Nz hops which are very distinctive -reminds me of steinlager with big hop taste. I thought it was actually very hoppy for a stout - standard stouts don't have much hop flavour - gives a very minty effect when put with dark malts but still its not a bad beer by a long shot lou
  16. L

    All Set To Go, But.....

    I'm not sure you can mash carapils by itself. The one I tried had no enzymes and needed to be mashed with other malt grain - I haven't used that yeast but i have heard you can either add it and wait till it gets going and drop the temp or pitch at the rights temps. Live and learn lou
  17. 3 gallon kegs  - empty :  (

    3 gallon kegs - empty : (

    my three gallon kegs next to my temp controlled fridge. lou
  18. SS electric boiler and HLT

    SS electric boiler and HLT

    another angle - my SS eletric boiler and HLT - HLT has polycarb sightglass - runs on 1 kettle element- controlled by thermostat. All fittings on Kettle are SS except for p/u tube which is copper - I use a SS braid in the bottom - no problems so far - has 2 kettle elements - one controled by...
  19. lous brewery

    lous brewery

    3 tiers of joy
  20. 3 tier brewery - not in set up mode

    3 tier brewery - not in set up mode

    this three tier brew stand is made of angle iron bolted together - all the holes were drilled and filed by hand - do not recommend this method - boiler is on the gound at present and my small mash tun up the top for no particular reason (clean up most likely) - all electriclou