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  1. M


    they look like snap lock fittings and it is a thing of beauty !! i assume it is in Leichhardt in Sydney based on your other posts and i am sorry for you loss.
  2. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    interesting, i would have thought the co2 from the ferment would have a more co2 / o2 mix. but i got NFI really :) i probs will just continue to push it with co2 out of PVK but was something i thought about while reading the new parts of the thread
  3. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    crazy thought coming... if you pressure ferment PFK and daisy chain to a full corny as a empty co2 / blow off and capture the c02. Then when you push the beer out of the PFK you...pushed water down the "out" dip tube of your blow off keg forcing the co2 out the "in" back into the PFV pushing...
  4. M


    Running list Far side of crazy 3 Mardoo 3 Droopy Brew 3 Shadime 2 Rambo 2 Yuz 2 Haciluka 3 breaky 2 Fat Drew 2 Dan Pratt 2 Mister Clark 6 sbowler 2 Digga 3 Yochris77 2 Maheel = 2
  5. M


    yahhh interested in a couple when you know the price
  6. M

    DIY Kegmenter

    i have been using 50L kegmenter for 2X 19l kegs after losses from diptube etc and keeping a head space i reckon 58L would be "better" are you thinking something like a 4" triclover unit on top ?
  7. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    edit double post
  8. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    yeah, i even had concerns about how sanitary it all would be.. think i will stick to just filling the REC keg and live with that bit of oxy
  9. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I ended up trimming 50mm of the tubes of the 23L's, got two going in the ferment fridge as i went and bought another spunding valve. A summit and cascade ale and an all summit ale. I dont yet purge my receiving kegs just run the beer out into the beer out tube of REC keg and transfer with...
  10. M

    CO2 and unconsumed conmercial wine

    seems to be have a read of the reviews.... lol one reckons it even good when warm... makes me want to give it a try and give up HB'ing
  11. M

    DIY Kegmenter

    out of interest what are you doing for a beer out dip tube ?
  12. M

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace keg couplers $100 logan central QLD assortment of keg couplers for comercial kegs great if your filling handy for a kegmenter set up
  13. M

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    i like the morgans, got some kegged right now. The Brigalow is crap...
  14. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    was going to dry hop in both PFV and maybe then in corney using tea-balls at this stage might see if LHB shop has them but also trim the pickup as is the silicone tube re-extension if needed a sound idea but ? cheers for input
  15. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    I am about to use one of my 23L MR kegs as a PFV instead of my 50L I was thinking of trimming the dip tube up 50mm to get off the yeast for when i transfer to a corny would i be able to slip a bit of silicon hose on the end in the future to get back to "normal" length if i want to ? These...
  16. M

    The Great Homebrew Summer Slam | Ballarat

    :bowdown::bigcheers::doofus::question::fallingoffchair::thumbsdown: join me in finding Brisbane's best home brew drop them off at my place ASAP making sure they are cold pay the $10 cash entry per beer entered, all categories considered and judged in some way win and be named Brisvagas HB of...
  17. M

    Plugs for elements over 3600w

    i made the move to 20 amp plugs for my 3600w boiler and individual circuit to the brew space, very happy i did all stays cool on extended wash heating duty when running alternate brewing activity equipment i was cooking "normal" 15amp plugs and was concerned about safety BIL is a extra safe...
  18. M

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace logan central QLD $250 3 kegs ( 2 in pic?) 1 gas bottle pluto gun fermenter reasonable price to get you into kegging in 2018 :)
  19. M

    ebay dry hopping ss "tubes" for kegs, any good?

    i wondered how good the SS was in them.... got to get a gas refill a the LHBS so will see what they have
  20. M

    ebay dry hopping ss "tubes" for kegs, any good?

    any one bought one of the SS 300 micron mesh dry hopping keg tubes things i have a large tea ball but thinking of getting a longer one to let hops float around a little better opinions of them ? cheers